Air Bookings
Air booking is a request to store an air itinerary. Air booking can include pricing information in the reservation; however, pricing data is not required to book a segment.
Creating Air Bookings
Air booking creates a reservation based on results from any of the following three responses:
A Low Fare Shop response (includes pricing data).
An Air Availability response (does not include pricing data)
An Air Pricing response that was based on an initial Air Availability request (includes pricing data).
Air Bookings can be created using either:
AirCreateReservationReq, which creates a new PNR for the booking (and a new Universal Record).
UniversalRecordModifyReq/UniversalRecordModifyCmd/AirAdd, which adds a new air booking to an existing Universal Record. Depending on the request data sent and the supplier's functionality, the new air segment can be part of either a new PNR or an existing PNR.
Canceling Air Bookings
Air bookings can be canceled through either the PNR or the Universal Record. Some carriers do not permit cancellation of air bookings; these carriers may permit a refund of a ticketed booking.
Modifying Air Bookings
Depending on the type of update, air bookings can be modified through the Universal Record. Some carriers do not permit cancellation of air bookings; these carriers may permit an exchange of a ticketed booking.

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