Canceling Air Bookings via the PNR

There are two ways to cancel one or more air bookings without canceling the entire PNR or Universal Record (UR):

For more information about canceling an entire trip, or canceling all air, car, hotel segments in a PNR, see Canceling Bookings.


Located in Universal.xsd:

How To

  1. Important! Before canceling a booking, the Universal Record for the booking must be retrieved by Universal API to ensure that all of the booking data is current on the system.
  2. After the booking is retrieved, one or more air segments in a PNR can be canceled using AirCancelReq.

    • To cancel all air segments in a PNR:

      • Send the reference key of an air segment in AirCancelReq/AirSegmentRef.

      • The key of the segment in the AirReservation is the data needed to specify the segment using @Key.

    • To cancel a selected air segment in the PNR:

      • Send the travel criteria of an air segment in AirCancelReq/AirSegment.

        In this scenario, an AirSegment element must be sent with the minimal criteria to uniquely identify it in the AirReservation. The attributes required to identify the segment are: Group, Carrier, Origin, Destination, DepartureTime, ArrivalTime, and FlightNumber.

      • The LocatorCode is required to identify the PNR associated with this segment.

    The AirSegment and AirSegmentRef elements are mutually exclusive in the same request. If AirSegment is sent, the Key value of the element is ignored, and only the flight criteria is considered.

  3. AirCancelReq @Versionis a sequential version number used to identify AirReservation. The version is optional, but is strongly recommended to that ensure modifications are made to the correct version of the AirReservation.  

  4. AirCancelRsp is returned. The Universal Record is returned with the cancelled air segment or segments. The AirReservation child of UniversalRecord provides the locator code for the associated PNR. If segments in more than one PNR are cancelled, multiple AirReservation child elements may be returned.


If a segment cannot be canceled by the supplier through Universal API, the following error message is returned for the applicable segment(s): Modifications are not supported for carrier XX/YY/ZZ. Contact the carrier directly to make changes.
