Fare Display (Air Tariff)

Also known as Fare Display, Air Tariff returns all fares for the requested parameters, regardless of availability. Fare quotes can be displayed without an availability request being made. Tariff fares are often followed by a Fare Rules display to determine the requirements and/or penalties associated with a specific tariff fare, prior to determining availability. Therefore, tariff fare displays are often useful for fare-driven travelers.


AirFareDisplayReq in AirFareDisplay service is used to request a tariff fare based on origin, destination, and other options.

  1. Use Carrier to specify up to 10 preferred carriers in a request.
  2. Use IncludeAddlBookingCodeInfo to include primary or secondary booking codes in the Fare Display response as a follow-on to the initial Fare Display. Only one type (primary or secondary) can be specified in a single request.
  3. Carriers can file fares in currencies other than those that are naturally associated with their specific markets. Use the AirFareDisplayModifiers/Filed Currency attribute to request fares in currencies other than those that are naturally associated with specific markets. If a carrier has filed fares in the specified currency, those fares are returned in the response.
  4. Optionally, use the Seasonal fare option in the AirFareDisplayReq/AirFareDisplayModifiers/@FareSearchOption="Seasonal" which allows consolidators the ability to determine the seasonality of a specific fare when requesting a fare display to narrow the results to a specific season. Release 19.1
    • This functionality requires @FareSearchOption = "Seasonal" and @DepartureDate in the Air Fare Display Modifiers.

    • The response populates the FareRestrictionSeasonal element.
  5. If using the Travelport Search Control Console (SCC), it is optional to use AirFareDisplayReq to activate or override the SCC filters.


Tariff fares are returned in AirFareDisplayRsp.

FareDisplay/TicketingCode and FareDisplay/Ticketing Designator display in the response so a user can differentiate between fares. For example if a child fare has the same fare basis code as an adult fare, but the child fare is discounted, the fare basis code may be WX21DNO1 for both, but the ticketing designator for the child fare may be WX21DNO1CH, different than the adult fare.

@AutoPriceable displays in FareDisplay/FarePricing to show the absence or presence of rules associated with a particular fare. If rule data is unavailable or incomplete for a fare from the provider, then the fare is not available for automatic pricing (auto-pricing) by the provider’s system. In most cases, fares with unavailable or incomplete rule data are also not available for manual pricing. When AutoPriceable is "false", the fare is not available for auto-pricing.

Next Steps

To obtain fare rules associated with the selected fare, a subsequent Fare Rules request is required.
