NDC FAQs: Servicing

These frequently asked questions provide information about servicing the NDC order, such as refunds, consolidator workflows, and modifying a booking.

Refer to the other NDC FAQ topics for information about getting started, shopping and booking, seats, and reporting/MBOS for NDC content.



Are refunds supported for NDC?

Yes, we do support Refund flow, please refer to the NDC airlines capabilities page for more details.

How many reissues are supported by AA?

AA support 3 changes to a ticketed booking.

Does the agency have the same time lines to audit, void, modify, etc. in ARC as with current GDS tickets?

Yes they are no different, but do always check the fare conditions as there could be some exceptions.

How can GDS support the sub-agent to consolidator workflow in NDC?

For the most part, the sub-agent to consolidator workflow operates the same in NDC as it does currently in GDS.  Please refer to airline specific pages for more details on what is/isn´t support on their flows.

Does the sub-agent or the consolidator sign up to the airline’s NDC program?

This is different per airline and Travelport will ensure it’s clear what the process is for our consolidator and sub-agents as each airline NDC program launches with Travelport.  Our recommendation is that each consolidator has a conversation with their sub-agent(s) to ensure the correct airline registrations have been completed.

How will agents be able to display the NDC ticket number to know if a customer has unused ticket available for exchange?

To view the ticket image:

  • For Travelport+ and Apollo customers, enter  *TE/ticket number to display the ticket number electronic image.

    Important: This entry only works for American Airlines and is not supported by United Airlines.

  • For Worldspan customers, enter  ETR/ticket number

Important: Do not enter the final digit from the ticket number. This final digit is a check digit.

Can we modify the booking on the carrier's website?

Yes, however, if you modify the booking on the carrier's website, the ownership of the booking transfers to the carrier. These changes will not be reflected back into the booking file/PNR.

If ownership is transferred to the carrier, does it mean I won't receive my schedule change if it happens?

Yes. The connection is broken with Travelport, so the agency will not be able to receive updates through Travelport.

If I issued a ticket for a fare that has now been removed from EDIFACT can I exchange it in NDC?

No, you cannot. You will receive the error “NO FARE HISTORY”. You have to call the carrier to exchange this type of ticket.

What options are available for tickets that are no-show for NDC?

Each carrier may handle no-shows differently. We recommend contacting the airline directly.

How does revalidation work for NDC?

The carrier does revalidation during schedule change. Existing host entries regarding revalidation will not work for NDC.

When there is a schedule change, the agent needs to ensure that the ticket has been revalidated because in some cases the agent has to do a reissue with a waiver code. Guidance on which scenarios require waiver is provided by the carrier.