Fare Shopping

Fare Shopping with Terminal Formats

Also know as Focalpoint Shopping and Optimal Shopping.

You can use terminal formats to perform shopping requests for booked or unbooked itineraries. The lowest available fare is returned, as well as the lowest-priced alternative itineraries.

Note: FS quotes a total fare for all passengers in the PNR/Booking File instead of quoting a fare for each passenger.

Fare Shopping prices booked or unbooked itineraries at the lowest available fare, and searches schedules and fares to find the lowest priced alternative itineraries.

  • A maximum of 8 flight segments can be handled by a single request.

  • A maximum of 9 passengers can be included in each transaction.

  • One-way, round-trip, circle trip, single and double open-jaw itineraries are supported.

  • Low fare searches can be performed with or without a booked itinerary.

  • Pricing and Availability modifiers can be used to influence the search process and provide customized results.

More Information

For more information, see Fare Shopping category in the Travelport Knowledge Base.

Tip! Be sure to log in with your MyTravelport user name, password, and multi-factor authentication code (MFA).

Specific articles include:

You can request Fare Shopping for an unbooked itinerary or a booked itinerary to rebook at a different itinerary or fare.

Fare Shopping for Unbooked Itineraries

To fare shop for an unbooked itinerary:

  1. Enter Customer Information for each passenger in the itinerary. Because Fare Shopping is performed for all passengers in the itinerary, at a minimum, you need to include the name of each passenger to perform a Fare Shop.

    Tip! Be sure to also include any optional Customer Information that can affect the fare, such as PTCs, corporate discounts, and frequent traveler memberships.
  2. Enter the fare shopping format FS. For example: FSSIN02MAYTYO09MAYSIN

    Some of the basic commands are the same for both Travelport+ (1G) and Apollo (1V), but formats for modifiers can vary.

    The Fare Shopping results are displayed.

    The following table lists the key components of the Fare Shopping screen for the first option.

  3. Review fare options, including fare details and rules.

  4. If applicable, click More Flights to view additional flights.

  5. Click BOOK to book the selected pricing option without canceling the existing reservation.

  6. If the Customer Information is not completed, add any additional required information.

  7. End transact (ER) to save the booked fare.

Fare Shopping for Booked Itineraries

To fare shop for a booked itinerary:

This example shows the basic flow for pricing a booked itinerary in Travelport+ (1G). See the Knowledge Base for more information and modifiers.

  1. Display a booked itinerary. The itinerary may or may not be end transacted.

  2. Enter FS to display the Fare Shopping results.

    In the response:

    • The first pricing option performs a Best Buy (FQBB in 1G or $BB in 1V) entry and displays the best fare for the itinerary already held. In this example, the active itinerary is the best fare, so an option to store the fare is displayed.

      Tip! A known issue may cause some rebooked segments in pricing option 1 to fail in certain situations. (Travelport+ only)
    • The additional pricing options display the option to either book the selected option without canceling the existing reservation, or cancel and rebook in a new reservation.

    The following table lists the key components of the Fare Shopping screen for the first option.

  3. Review fare options, including fare details and rules.

  4. If applicable, click More Flights to view additional flights.

  5. After selecting an option, either

    • STORE FARE (Option 1) to store the current fare.

    • BOOK to book the selected pricing option without canceling the existing reservation.

    • REBOOK to cancel the existing booking and rebook in the new class.

  6. End transact (ER) to save the booked or rebooked fare.