Using Itinerary Templates in Smartpanel

You can create a template in Smartpanel to quickly fare shop for a frequently used itinerary.

Tip! Some agencies may set up customized templates for itineraries that are commonly used or meet their policy requirements. In this case, the agency template can override a template that does not meet the required preferences.

Creating Templates

To create an itinerary template:

  1. Open Smartpanel.

  2. Select the Flight Shopping or Air Availability radio button. This example shows a Flight Shopping screen, but the templates also apply to Air Availability and Pricing.

  3. Complete the itinerary fields and any search modifiers for Flight Shopping or Air Availability.

  4. After you enter all of you itinerary information, click Save As to display the Save Template window.

  5. In Template Name, type a name for the itinerary template.

  6. Click Save.

    Known Issue
    If you change the name of an existing template, both the original template name and the new template name display in the template. If you delete one of the templates, both templates are deleted. This known issue will be corrected in a future release.

Applying Templates

To apply an itinerary template:

  1. Click the Apply a Template arrow to select a template from the list. This example shows a Flight Shopping screen, but the template process is the same for Air Availabilty.

  2. Change the dates for the itinerary, and make any other desired changes to the Flight Shopping or Air Availability request.

  3. Click SEARCH to display the Fare Shopping results or Air Availability results.

    Known Issue
    Templates from older versions of the Smartpanel will not load on the Smartpanel in Smartpoint 9.0.

Deleting Templates

To delete an itinerary template:

  1. Click the Apply a Template arrow to select a template from the list. This example shows a Flight Shopping screen, but the template process is the same for Air Availabilty.

  2. Click the Delete icon next to the template.

  3. In the message box, click Yes to permanently delete the template.