System Tab


Training demonstration related to this topic (click to start):

Use the System tab on the System Control screen to customize how GlobalWare functions:

To access the System Control screen, see Using the System Control Screen.


To make changes on this tab, complete the fields as appropriate and click SAVE.

Tracking Changes to Invoices and Associated Data

You have the option to track all edits made to invoice data by using GlobalWare functions (in Invoices, Settlement, Commission Tracking, Duplicate Invoice Review, Corporate Review Transactions, and CCR Maintenance). You can track edits made to fields in the Invoice table, the Segments table, and the Comments table. GlobalWare also tracks when an item is voided, unvoided, or deleted. The Invoice table includes all fields that you see on the Invoice screen, except for comment lines, which you see on the Comments screen. The Segments table includes all fields that you see on the Segments screen. To see a complete list of fields in these tables, see Printing the Database Structure.

GlobalWare tracks the original value (before the edit), new value (after the edit), the agent who made the edit, and the date and time the edit occurred. The Invoice Change Log report on the Invoice submenu enables you to generate a report of the changes. You can also generate this report from the Invoice screen with the CHG LOG button.

For DJD MIR that synch car and hotel data with the GDS, it will enter *** for agent in the Invoice change log for updates and adds through the DJD MIR, so reports off the invoice change log could be done to address which records need to be re-downloaded to third-party software packages.


Customizing Charts and the Default Branch

GlobalWare enables you to customize the charts to which invoices and other subledger transactions post. The Processing Table determines the charts to which invoices post. The System Control table enables you to customize the other posting charts. It also enables you to customize the default branch for certain functions.

Note: You should not change these charts after items have posted to them. New general ledger entries would post to the new chart while previous entries would remain in the original chart. For example, assume you enter an on-account customer receipt and then change customer unapplied funds from 2040 to 2060. The receipt posted to 2040. When you subsequently apply the receipt, GlobalWare will post to 2060 and both charts will have a balance rather than netting to zero. If you do need to change the chart, you need to journal-entry all open items to the new chart.

Balancing Branches

Transactions posted across branches (for example, a cash receipt deposited in branch one applied to a ticket invoiced in branch two) results in the branches individually being out of balance in the general ledger (although the general ledger as a whole is in balance). This option generates additional GL entries using the chart specified to put the branches back in balance.

The entries post to the chart you specify for the Branch Balancing Chart. You can use any balance sheet chart (chart number between 1000 and 4999). You should discuss with your CPA the chart that you want to use for this (such as an asset chart or a liabilities chart) and other implications.

The following shows an example of the branch balancing entries for a receipt posted to invoices in several branches. Notice that the branch balancing entry is a total for each branch. For example, the balance in branch 1 before the balancing entries is +600 (1000 - 400). Therefore, there is one balancing entry for branch 1 for -600 (not two entries for -1000 and +400).

Item Branch Chart Amount



1010 (bank)




1510 (AR)



















1999 (branch balance)








Note: Chart 1999 for the branch balancing chart above is only an example and is not to be taken as a recommendation.

There is not a separate, individual line in the provided Balance Sheet financial statement (although all charts are included in a group line item somewhere on the statement). You need to create this if needed on your statement.

Journal Entries, GL Import, and GL Edit/Query do not automatically generate balancing entries because you can specify all the entries in these functions. All other functions that can post to GL (such as Post Deposit, Adjust Accounts, and check functions) generate the entries automatically, when necessary.

For any control number, you can recalculate the balancing entries. In GL Edit/Query on the main dialog box, press Shift+F6 and enter the control number. This enables you to create balancing entries that were not created by Journal Entries, GL Import, or GL Edit/Query, and to recreate balancing entries if items in the control were edited or are missing.

"BRANCHBAL" is stored in the Ref2 and Ref3 fields for the balancing entries. "Branch balancing entry" is stored in the Comments field.

Setting Up Credit Card Security

Credit card numbers are stored in four places in GlobalWare: in the Invoice item, in the Customer account ID, in the check number field of agency plastic receipts, and in the comment field of group plastic payments.

GlobalWare enables you to limit the number of digits stored to protect the actual credit card number.

For example, if you want to store only the last four digits (which you might determine is enough to identify a number, but not enough to misuse it), enter the following:

Field Enter:

# Agency Plastic for Check Num


# Group Plastic Digits for Comments


Store all CC #'s through interface


Replace all except last number digits


Replace all except first number digits


Replace others with

Your choice
