CC Commission Receivables
The CC Commission Receivables report shows the amount owed from providers for invoiced plastic items sold by the agency. It does not include form-of-payment cash or receivables items because those items appear on the Travel Payables report and are amounts owed to the provider, which takes commissions up front.
The report is available in two formats: Standard Receivable and Receivables by Age of Invoice Return Date.
The standard receivables format includes the commission total, the commission due, and commission received amount. The Total column is the subledger equivalent to the Credit Card Commission Receivable chart in the general ledger (generally 1512), and should be used for balancing up to the invoice posted date.
The Receivables by Age of Invoice Return Date includes the net amount of commission due for all items (1512) in the order of return date aging of 30/60/90/over 90 days. This shows what commission items need to be collected and the time frame after travel has already taken place.
Running the Report
To run the report:
On the Commission submenu, click CC Commission Receivables.
Note: To access the CC Commission Receivables function, your employee account profile must have Low or High permission selected under System Menu and View Only selected under Comm Tracking on the Employee Security screen. For more information, see Employee Security.
The CC Commission Receivables dialog box appears.
Field descriptions
The following table describes the fields on the CC Commission Receivables dialog box.
Field Description Report Type
Select the report format. Select By Age of Invoice Return Date to see a 30, 60, 90, and over 90 day aging report. Report type choices include by A/R date, depart date, invoice date, or return date for both Standard and Aging reports. The default report type matches the type set in the System Control dialog on the System tab (the Post Invoices By field).
Select a branch or location group if you want to limit the report to transactions in that branch. Only those branches to which the user has access display. Select All to include items for all branches to which the user has access.
To find and select a branch or location group, click the lookup (
) button. The Find Branch screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.
Enter a provider if you want to limit the report to transactions for that provider. You can run the report for providers that you have tagged by entering @tagged. Leave this field blank to run the report for all providers.
To find and select a provider account ID, click the lookup (
) button. The Find an Account ID screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.
Travel Type
Enter or select a travel type if you want to limit the report to invoice items with that travel type. You can Ctrl-click to select multiple types.
Note: On-account items will not be included if you specify a customer type.
Cutoff Date
For standard receivables, enter a date if you want to limit the report to items from that date (optional). This is the invoice date for standard receivables. For receivables by age of return date, enter a date if you want to limit the report to items from that date (optional). This will limit items to that return date.
Sort by Branch
Check this to sort and subtotal the report by branch and then provider.
Page Break by Branch
Check this to start each branch on a new page.
This check box is available only if Sort by Branch is selected.
Summary Only
Indicates whether to create a summary-only report (subtotals and grand total only).
GL History for Backdating
This check box is available only if Report Type is set to Standard Receivables.
Snapshot Report
This check box is available only if GL History for Backdating is selected.
- Complete the fields as appropriate.
- Choose one of the following print options:
To print the report immediately, click PRINT.
The Send to dialog box appears. Select a report destination. For more information, see Printing Overview.
To store the report as part of a batch for printing later, click BATCH.
The Choose a Batch dialog box appears. For more information, see Batch Printing.
Report Example
CC Commission Receivables report example
Report Notes
- Only open items are included on the report. For cash-basis accounting, items are included on the Payables by GL Account report if either the provider or the customer amount is open because both provider and customer payments affect accounts payable in the general ledger.
- The standard report detail is sorted by invoice number. The GL account report detail is sorted by invoice number, then pay ID.