Write Individual Checks

The Write Individual Checks function on the Print Checks screen enables you to enter a standard check, and then print it immediately or store it in the check queue for printing at a later time. You can also record general ledger entries for standard checks without actually printing them.

In addition, you can use this function to record electronic funds transfer (EFT) and automated clearing house (ACH) checks. By default:

GlobalWare stores the letter (A or E) in the general ledger subsource field. For more information about this field, see General Ledger Transactions.

Writing Individual Checks

To write an individual check:

  1. On the A/P submenu, click Print Checks. Alternatively, click the Print Checks () icon on the GlobalWare icon toolbar.

    The Print Checks screen appears.

  2. In the field directly under the Check Entry heading, select Write Individual Checks if the field is not already set to this selection.

    The Print Checks screen changes to accommodate the Write Individual Checks function.

  3. Complete the Check Entry and Check Type areas of the screen as appropriate.
  4. If you entered a payee name preceded with an asterisk (*) in the Account ID field, the GL Entries grid automatically appears, listing a default general ledger entry that you need to modify. For details, see Posting a Check to a General Ledger Account below. Otherwise, select the appropriate posting option in the Post Check area of the screen, and then go to the applicable section.

  5. When finished with the check, click one of the following buttons to perform the desired action:


Posting a Check to an Open Invoice Item

Use the Invoice (Search) option when the payment applies to one or more open invoice items. This option displays search criteria fields and the Search Results grid.

  1. Use the fields under Optional Sort Data and Date Range to specify the appropriate search criteria.

    • In the Branch field, select a branch number. The Search Results grid will display invoice items that match the branch number. Select All to display items for all branches.

      To find and select a branch or location group, click the lookup () button. The Find Branch screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.

    • In the Invoice field, specify an invoice number. You can also specify more than one invoice number in this field by using the comma as a separator (for example, 11231,21340,21343). The Search Results grid will display invoice items that match the invoice number.
    • In the From field, specify the beginning date of a range of invoice dates. The Search Results grid will display invoice items that match the specified range of dates. Use this date in conjunction with the To date to define a range. If you specify only the From date, the range includes all dates from this invoice date to the current date.
    • In the To field, specify the ending date of a range of invoice dates. The Search Results grid will display invoice items that match the specified range of dates. Use this date in conjunction with the From date to define a range. If you specify only the To date, the range includes all dates before and including this invoice date.
  2. Click SEARCH.

    The Search Results grid lists the invoice items that match your search criteria.

  3. Press F4 with a search result row selected to view check details. Select the Previous or Next button view check details for the previous or next check in the search results.

  4. Select one or more invoice items that you want to pay. Use the Spacebar key or double-click an item to select it (or deselect it).

    • You can include up to 44 invoice items on one provider check. To include multiple invoice items, select the Multiple Items per Check option on the Edit Provider screen. See Edit Provider Screen.
    • Selecting an invoice item changes the Pay field.
      • For cash-basis accounting, possible Pay values are Y (yes), N (no), and G (gross). If the value is Y, the check will pay the net amount (the total amount less the commission). If the value is G, the check will pay the entire amount, and you will receive a check from the provider for commission.
      • For accrual accounting, possible Pay values are Y (yes, pay net) and N (no).
  5. Change the To Pay amount for an invoice item if the amount is different than the net or gross amount. The Pay field changes to Y when you change the amount.
  6. Continue with step 5 in the main procedure under Writing Individual Checks above.

Posting a Check On Account

Use the On-Account Check option when the invoice item you want to pay does not yet exist in GlobalWare (for example, the invoice has not interfaced yet, but you need to write the check today, or the item is for a refund due to the provider for commission on a plastic refund). This option displays the Amount and Offset Description fields.

  1. In the Amount field, specify the payment amount for the check.
  2. In the Offset Description field, specify a description for the offset payment. By default, GlobalWare uses the payee name.
  3. Continue with step 5 in the main procedure under Writing Individual Checks above.

Posting a Check to a General Ledger Account

Typically, you would use the GL Check option for impromptu payments (for example, a gift for a customer). If you do not create expense payables, use this option to pay vendors for operating expenses.

Tip: If you write expense checks often, consider using the Expense Payables function to set up expense payables. Creating an expense payable for a vendor establishes a payable on your balance sheet and an expense on your income statement. After creating an expense payable, you can use the Batch Checks, Batch ACHs, or Batch EFTs function to automatically create a check when the payable is due. For more information, see Expense Payables Overview and Using the Expense Payables Screen.

Additionally, you can use the GL Check option for settling with ARC, direct-settlement airlines, or individual providers.

The GL Check option displays the GL Entries grid with a default general ledger entry provided.


To change entries in the grid:

  1. In the Acct field, specify the appropriate general ledger account number from which to write the check, and then press Enter or the Tab key. If the Select GL Account dialog box appears, select the appropriate chart and branch combination from the grid, and then click SELECT. The name of the general ledger account appears in the Account Name field below the grid.

  2. In the Comment field, type a comment for the entry.
  3. In the Ref 1, Ref 2, and Ref 3 fields, specify the appropriate reference information as needed.

    For ARC or a direct settlement account, enter the period ending date in the Ref 1 field. The Ref 2 field contains the provider's account ID. For a settlement check, enter ARC or DIRECT.

  4. In the Group ID field, specify a group ID if applicable.
  5. In the Amount field, specify the amount for the check.
  6. To add more general ledger entries to the grid, press Enter, or press the Tab key while in the Amount field, or press the Down Arrow key from any field. Complete the fields. You can press F10 to copy the value from the record above.

    To delete a record, press Ctrl+Delete.

  7. Continue with step 5 in the main procedure under Writing Individual Checks above.

Printing Comments and Addresses on Checks

Whether you choose to print the check immediately or store it in the check queue for printing at a later time, you can specify comments and an address (that is different than the account ID address) to print on the check. However, you must select Ask for Comments on the User tab of the Preferences screen to do so. Otherwise, GlobalWare will print the account ID address and no comments on the check. For more information, see Preferences.

After you select the Get Comments option on the Write Individual Checks version of the Print Checks screen, and then select Invoice (Search) or On-Account Check, the Printed On Check dialog box appears when you choose to print the check immediately or store it in the check queue for printing later.

Complete the dialog box as appropriate and click OK.