Printing Invoices

You can print invoices for clients to serve as invoices and/or itineraries. The printed invoice includes any or all items for the invoice, detailed itinerary information (flight segments, hotel in and out dates, and so forth), and charges and payments.

GlobalWare enables you to print invoices in the following ways:

Printing an Individual Invoice from the Invoice Screen

To print individual invoices from the Invoice screen:

  1. Specify the number of the invoice you want to print in the Invoice # field on the Invoice Edit & Query screen.
  2. Click SEARCH.

    The Invoice screen appears with the invoice displayed.

  3. Click PRINT.

    The Invoice Print dialog box appears. To continue, see Using the Invoice Print Dialog Box below.

Printing All Invoices Listed on the Invoice Edit & Query Screen

To print all invoices listed on the Invoice Edit & Query screen:

  1. Specify the appropriate search criteria on the Invoice Edit & Query screen to find invoice items for all invoices you want to print. For details, see Accessing the Invoice File.
  2. Click SEARCH.

    The Search Results grid lists all invoice items that match the search criteria.

  3. Verify that all invoices for which you want to print an invoice are listed in the grid.

    The Invoice Print dialog box appears. To continue, see Using the Invoice Print Dialog Box below.

Printing a Subset of Invoices Listed on the Invoice Edit & Query Screen

To print a subset of invoices listed on the Invoice Edit & Query screen:

  1. Specify enough search criteria on the Invoice Edit & Query screen to find invoice items for all possible invoices you might want to print. For details, see Accessing the Invoice File.
  2. Click SEARCH.

    The Search Results grid lists all invoice items that match the search criteria.

  3. While pressing the Ctrl key, click the invoice items you want to include in the printed invoice. You can select voided items (highlighted in blue). GlobalWare highlights rows you select in green, as shown in the following example:


    • To deselect an item, click it again while pressing the Ctrl key.
    • Items highlighted in green apply only to the PRINT INVOICES button. The other buttons, such as SORT FOR ORDER, apply to all items listed in the grid, regardless of highlight.
    • Items you highlight will remain highlighted until you exit the screen, perform another search, or clear the screen.
  4. When you have selected all items to print, click PRINT INVOICES.

    The Invoice Print dialog box appears. To continue, see Using the Invoice Print Dialog Box below.

Using the Invoice Print Dialog Box

The Invoice Print dialog box enables you to print an invoice. You can select invoice items and the kinds of information to print on the invoice.

To use the Invoice Print dialog box:

  1. Enter comments (optional) for the customer (for example, an explanation of a penalty on an exchange). Comments will appear at the bottom of the printed invoice. Use the Tab key to navigate from line to line.

    Note: You can enter default comments, which will populate this dialog box each time, in System Control.

  2. Select report options for the information you would like to print on the invoice:

    • Print Air Segment Detail: Indicates whether to print the information for each individual flight on the invoice.
    • Print Sort Fields: Indicates whether to print Sort 1 through Sort 4 (name field remarks).
    • Print Credit Card Number: Indicates whether to print the credit card number used to pay for invoice items with form of payment plastic or agency plastic. If you select Print Credit Card Number, the Mask All Except Last 4 Digits option appears. Select this option to mask all but the last four digits of the printed credit card number with Xs.
    • Do Not Include Tracking Items in Invoice Total: Indicates whether to create separate columns for invoiced amounts (not tracking) and booked amounts (tracking).
    • Print PNR Locator: Indicates to print the PNR locator on the invoice.
    • Print FreeForm Info: Indicates whether to print freeform text on the invoice. Associated remarks are stored in freeform text based on segment association. When printing invoices, if the invoice number, ticket/confirmation nmber, revenue type, provider, and PNR locator are all the same, and if Print FreeForm Info is selected on the Invoice Print dialog, then freeform information is only printed on the most recent sale item (highest Sale #).

      For Travelport+, this option applies to any invoice type. For Apollo, this option applies only to invoice items with S (ship) or T (tour) travel types. For information about free-form text, see FreeForm Fields Dialog Box.

    • Print VOID Transactions: Indicates whether to print voided transactions on the invoice. Voided items on the printed invoice appear in red text and are not included in the total. This report option is available only if one or more voided items are included in the selected invoice items to print.
    • Print Each Invoice # Separately with Address: Indicates whether to print each invoice separately and print the account address at the top of the first page of each invoice. GlobalWare uses the address of the account associated with the first item from each invoice.
  3. In the Items to Print box, select the invoice items to print. By default, all items are selected. To select or deselect items, click the items while pressing the Ctrl or Shift key.
  4. To print the invoice, click OK. For information about the report destination options, see Printing Overview. Or:

    • To reset selections on this dialog box to their default settings, click CLEAR.
    • To cancel the print job, click the exit () icon or press Alt+X.


Report Example