Accessing the Invoice File

To access the Invoice file, on the Invoice submenu, click Invoice Edit & Query. Alternatively, click the Invoice Edit & Query () icon on the GlobalWare icon toolbar.

The Invoice Edit & Query screen appears.

This screen is used for searching invoices or adding new invoices.

Tip: You can increase the size of this screen by dragging an edge or corner to the desired size. This enables you to more efficiently view and work with data in the Search Results grid.

To search for an invoice or a set of invoices:

  1. Enter the criteria that best fits your query. For more information, see Basic Search Criteria and/or Advanced Search Criteria.

    Note: Specifying values for the indexed fields will make the query faster.

  2. After you have entered the search criteria, click SEARCH. If you enter the Invoice Number, Pay ID, ticket number, or PNR Locator, you need only press Enter to find the record.
    • If only one invoice was found that matched the criteria, the invoice is displayed.
    • If there were two or more invoices that matched, the Search Results grid of the Invoice Edit & Query screen lists the following information from the various invoices that were found: Branch, Invoice Number, Date, Invoice Type, Account ID, Traveler, Provider, Doc Type, Ticket Number, Amount, Destination, and Credit Card Number.
  3. Select an invoice from the list and press Enter.
  4. The invoice items are all listed in the Items box on the Invoice screen. Each item on the invoice is identified by invoice type. To choose an invoice item to view, click the appropriate row. You can also use the Page Up and Page Down keys to page through all the invoice items on the invoice.
  5. To select another invoice, click the exit () icon on the Invoice screen to return to the Invoice Edit & Query screen. Or, you can press the Shift+Page Up or Shift+Page Down keys to page through each invoice. The full invoice displays and you can access all invoice items on each invoice.

To quickly remove your selections from the search criteria fields, as well as any criteria displayed in the Conditions grid, click CLEAR. If you want to restore your selections after having cleared them, press Ctrl+Z. Keep in mind that if you clear your selections and then exit the screen, you will not be able to restore your selections.

Basic search criteria

The initial screen has several search criteria you can use. You can query by indexed or by non-indexed fields. Querying by indexed fields makes the query faster.

Advanced search criteria

The basic search criteria enables you to specify criteria for certain fields, where the invoice item’s value is the same (or similar for those fields that you can enter a wildcard character).

The advanced search criteria enables you to specify criteria for virtually every Invoice field, any of the comment lines, and some of the Status fields (Customer Received amount, date, and flag and Commission Received amount, date, and flag). You can also query using comparisons other than equal to.

To use the advanced criteria:

  1. From the Invoice Field drop-down list, select a field.
  2. From the Comparison drop-down list, select one of the following comparisons.

    Note: Currently, if you choose a Comparison value and then decide to change the Invoice Field value, only the options applicable to the chosen Comparison value display in the list.

    Comparison Description


    Include items for which the value of the field equals the value entered.


    Include items for which the value of the field is less than the value entered.


    Include items for which the value of the field is less than or equal to the value entered.


    Include items for which the value of the field is greater than the value entered.


    Include items for which the value of the field is greater than or equal to the value entered.


    Include items for which the value of the field is not equal to the value entered.


    Include items for which the value of the field is between the values entered (including the values entered). When you select Between, another value field displays so that you can enter two values.


    Include items for which the value of the field contains the value you entered. You can enter one or more wildcard characters (*) (for example, SM* or *HILTON*).


    Include items for which the value of the field is equal to one of the values entered. Enter values separated by a comma.

    Note: This is the equivalent of “OR” for one field (for example, TravelType T or S).

    NOT IN

    Include items for which the value of the field is not equal to one of the values entered. Enter values separated by a comma.


    Include items for which the value of the field is blank. Some fields do not allow a Comparison of Blank. If selected, an error message displays.

  3. In the Value field, specify a value.

    Note: If you are searching for an invoice number, enter the leading zeros in the value field. Also, if you are searching in the Comment 115 field, which is the Apollo invoice number on the interface log, enter the leading zeros. These fields contain nine digits (for example, 000000009). If you are searching by GL or Ticketing branch, enter the leading zeroes (these contain four digits).

  4. Click the add condition () button.

    Note: The add condition button turns green when GlobalWare determines that your advanced search criteria are valid. When you click the button, the advanced search criteria appears in the Conditions grid, which enables you to select another set of advanced search criteria.

To edit a condition, double-click the condition from the grid. The condition values are populated in the Condition fields for you to modify as needed.

To delete a condition, highlight the condition and press Delete key.

For more information and examples, see Invoice Query Examples.