Adding Expense Payables

Adding an expense payable for a vendor establishes a payable entry on your balance sheet and an expense entry on your income statement. Then you can use the Batch Checks, Batch ACHs, or Batch EFTs function to automatically print checks when the payable is due. (see Batch Checks, Batch ACHs, or Batch EFTs.) If you do not want to set up an expense payable for a vendor, you can use Write Individual Checks to write a check directly to the general ledger.

When you create an expense payable, GlobalWare creates general ledger entries based on information you provide on the Add Expense Payables screen. For more information, see Expense Payables Overview. After you create an expense payable, you can edit it. You can also clone it with new post and due dates. This enables you to, for example, enter all payables for the year for a vendor with minimal data entry. For details, see Editing or Cloning Expense Payables.

To add an expense payable:

  1. Set up an account ID for the vendor by using the Account ID function if you have not already done so. For details, see Adding Accounts.
  2. On the Expense Payables screen, click ADD.

    The Add Expense Payables screen appears.

  3. Complete the fields as appropriate.

    You must specify a unique combination of posting date (reference 1), vendor ID, and reference 3. Each expense payable in GlobalWare must have a unique combination to identify it.

  4. Click OK.

    The Expense Entries grid appears on the screen.

    You will use this grid to enter offsets for the expense payable.

  5. Edit the fields as appropriate, as follows:

    • In the Acct field, specify the appropriate account number for the expense. For a list of standard expense accounts in the general ledger, see Chart of Accounts – Expense.
    • In the Br field, specify the appropriate branch for the expense.
    • Ref 1, Ref 2, and Ref 3 are not editable.
    • The Group ID and Comment fields are optional.
    • In the Amount field, specify an amount due for the expense. You cannot leave this field set to zero (0.00) or blank.

    Note: GlobalWare calculates the amount posted to Accrued Payables and displays it in the lower-left area of the screen.

  6. To enter another offset, select the last row in the Expense Entries grid, and then press the Down Arrow key. GlobalWare adds another row.
  7. When finished, click SAVE.

    Note: If an expense payable already exists with the same combination of Ref 1, Ref 2, and Ref 3, a message appears, informing you that an entry for this vendor exists on this posting date with the same references. Click OK. GlobalWare cancels the addition of the expense payable and resets the Add Expense Payable screen so you can add the expense payable with a different posting date.