Batch ACHs


Training demonstration related to this topic (click to start):

Use the Batch ACHs function to print batches of provider, customer, employee, vendor, and expense payable ACH checks. Expense payables are created by using the Expense Payables function. They exist as general ledger entries in the Accrued Payables account (specified in the Accrued Payables field on the System tab of the System Control screen; usually 2120). For more information, see Expense Payables Overview.

  1. On the A/P submenu, click Print Checks. Alternatively, click the Print Checks () icon on the GlobalWare icon toolbar.

    The Print Checks screen appears.

  2. In the field directly under the Check Entry heading, select Batch ACHs if the field is not already set to this selection.

    The Print Checks screen changes to accommodate the Batch ACHs function.

  3. Complete the fields at the top of the screen as follows:

    Field Description

    Post Date

    Enter the date on which you want the check to post to the general ledger (defaults to the current date). If you are printing later, this date is not used.

    Batch Description

    The batch description automatically defaults to "Batch ACHs Check". The text in the batch description displays on the Journal Entry Register. Change the batch description if desired.

    Cash Account

    Select the cash account that you want checks to post to.

    Starting Check #

    Change the starting check number, if needed. You might enter a different starting check number if the same checking account and stock are used for different branches. If you are printing later, the check number is not used.


    Only the branches to which the employee has access display. If All is selected, all branches to which the user has access are considered.

    Select All to display open items to pay from all branches to which the employee has access. Select a specific branch to display open items in that branch only.

    To find and select a branch, click the lookup () button. The Find Branch screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.

    Account ID

    Enter an account ID to display open items for that account ID only. Leave this blank for all account IDs.

    To find and select an account ID, click the lookup () button. The Find an Account ID screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.

    Date Range

    Enter a date range to display open items in that date range. For provider and expense payables, this is the accounts payable due date. For customer refunds, this is the accounts receivable due date.

  4. Under Check Type, select the category of check you want to display (Provider, Customer,Employee,Vendor, or Expense Payables).
  5. Click SEARCH. The Search Results grid lists all the open items for the category you selected.

    • To view detail for a listed invoice item, select the item and press F4. The Invoice Display screen appears. For more information, see Invoice Display Screen.
  6. The items in the grid display with the Pay field set to N (don’t pay).

    • Click SELECT ALL to change all items to Y (pay net, which is the total amount less commission).
    • Click SELECT CUST PAID to change only those items that the customer has paid to Y. This option is relevant only to provider checks.
    • You can enter a specific amount (different from the net or gross) in the To Pay field. This changes the Pay field to Y.
    • Double-click or press the Spacebar key to change the Pay field to Y.

      If you are on a cash-basis accounting system and the item has commission, the Pay field can also be G (pay gross). If the value is Gross, the check will pay be for the entire amount, and you will receive a check from the provider for your commission. You can only change individual items to G (SELECT ALL and SELECT CUST PAID change the Pay field to Y only).

  7. To determine if you have enough stock to print the checks and enough money to cover the checks, click REPORT to review the checks in a report format before you print them.
  8. To record a manual check, click RECORD MANUAL CHECK.

Consolidating Items

Expense payables are consolidated for displaying in the grid for all items with the same Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, and accounts payable due date. The amount is the sum of all items. If the Comment is different, each is listed in the grid, separated by a semi-colon.

Note: Expense payables entered in Journal Entries do not have an accounts payable due date (as do those entered in Create Expense Payables).

The check for expense payables is consolidated by account ID (Ref 2), and the check stub lists each item in the grid. If you need separate checks, select the first items individually and then the desired print option, and then repeat for the rest.

Customer checks are consolidated by account ID. Each item in the grid is listed on the check stub.

How provider checks are consolidated depends on the Multiple Items per Check option. If this is checked, the checks are consolidated by account ID. If this is not checked, checks are consolidated by account ID and invoice number.

The report shows which items consolidate onto one check.