Sessions: Add Booking Traveler

The Booking Traveler Add request enables the addition of Booking Traveler names and related data (including address, email, frequest flyer numbers, etc.). The Session Token is passed by the Universal API Customer in the header and body of the request.


See the samples associated with Add Booking Traveler:


See the Booking Traveler Add transactions:


When adding an Booking Traveler in a sessioned state, the element and attribute structure is similar to the request in a standard Air Booking or Modify request, except that a session must have been established (Booking Start), and a session key must be sent in the header and body of the request.


In the header and the body, the session key (SessTok and SessionKey) must be included:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:shar="" xmlns:com="">


<h:SessionContext xmlns:h="" xmlns="">

<SessTok id="4a5fa17b-3cd0-46f4-b33f-af4d24a541c2"/>




<shar:BookingTravelerReq TraceId="357476620" AuthorizedBy="TVPT" SessionKey="4a5fa17b-3cd0-46f4-b33f-af4d24a541c2">

<com:BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI"/>


<com:BookingTraveler Key="de45QF6QQcmduLgVQWr+VQ==" TravelerType="ADT" Age="51" DOB="1964-10-10" Gender="F">


The Add Traveler request is similar to what is sent in a standard Air Create Reservation request. For more information see Booking Traveler Information).


Optional Request Data

Optional data can be added to further refine the request.


The Booking Traveler Response returns a universal record structure with all details for the current state of the session.

SessionBooking v53.xsd expands on the existing Routehappy flight amenity content returned in the AirCreateReservation, UniversalRecordRetrieve, and the Session Booking transactions BookingPricing, BookingTraveler, and BookingEnd, by extending the data to each leg of a direct flight. N

Note: This is limited release functionality. Contact your Travelport representative for further information.


The exceptions for Booking Air Traveler is the same as can be found in Air Create or Air Modify. There are no known exceptions specific to the Booking Air Traveler transaction.