Sessions: Pricing

The Booking Pricing request enables the addition of Stored Fare and Branded Fare information to the PNR/UR. It is primarily split in 2 ways:


See the samples associated with Session Pricing.


See the Booking Pricing transactions:


When adding stored fare information using the Air Pricing Information node, in a sessioned state, the element and attribute structure is similar to the request in an standard Air Create Reservation or Universal Record Modify Request, except that a session must have been established, and a session key must be sent in the header and body of the request.

The Auto Pricing node allows the user to Price and Store fare information in one step.

Air Pricing

With the Air Pricing (AirPricingInfo) feature, the user will add the air pricing information that was returned in the Air Pricing response.

Auto Pricing

Auto Pricing Information (AutoPricingInfo) can be performed without a prior Air Price. Universal API prices based on the segments and class of service contained in the session.

Note: Auto-Pricing on Worldspan (1P) cannot have Booking Traveler Specific Pricing:

Prior to Universal API release 20.4.1, Private Fares that were quoted using the sessioned approach were ignored and quoted as public fares, which meant that using the sessioned approach to quote private fares using this path would have resulted in inaccurate pricing, with Universal API considering public fares only. The same occurred when trying to quote account code fares via this approach. Release 20.4

Release 20.4.1 and later provides the ability to price stored fares and account code fares within a session flow when pricing modifiers are present, which reduces the risk of pricing discrepancies. When sending a BookingPricingReq for autoprice, and a modifier (e.g. private fares, commission, etc.) is included, then Universal API includes the modifier in downline messages and returns applicable pricing information.

E.g., when a modifier like Public and Private Fares Indicator is included in the request for auto-pricing Stored Fares:

 <BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI"/>
   <AutoPricingInfo Key="l" PricingType="StoredFare">
    <BookingTravelerRef Key="abc123"/>
    <AirPricingModifiers FaresIndicator="PublicAndPrivateFares">

The Stored Fares automatically reprice later in the session flow.

Additional Request Data

The Booking Pricing request can have following components:

Note: Ticketing modifiers are used only in the Booking PNR element and are ignored in Booking Pricing request.

Brand tier information should be sent in BookingPricingReq/AddPricing/AirPricingInfo/FareInfo/Brand @BrandTier. If brand tier information is sent in BookingPricingReq/AddPricing/AirPricingInfo/AirSegmentPricingModifiers @BrandTier, it is ignored.


The Booking Pricing Response returns a universal record structure with all details for the current state of the session.

SessionBooking v53.xsd expands on the existing Routehappy flight amenity content returned in the AirCreateReservation, UniversalRecordRetrieve, and the Session Booking transactions BookingPricing, BookingTraveler, and BookingEnd, by extending the data to each leg of a direct flight. N

Note: This is limited release functionality. Contact your Travelport representative for further information.



The exceptions for the BookingPricing AirPricingInfo element is the same as can be found in Air Create or Air Modify.