Sessions: Booking End

The Booking End Request enables following functions:


See the samples associated with Session Booking End.


See the Booking End transactions:


When performing a Booking End request, in a sessioned state, a session key must be sent in the header and body of the request. The type of SessionActivity must be specified.



BookingEndReq with SessionActivity="End"

The user sends the "end" message to end-transact and complete the booking or the update to the PNR, and end the session. The response will return the updated Universal Record.


BookingEndReq with SessionActivity="Ignore"

The user sends the "ignore" message to end the session without saving any changes. The warning "Session has been closed and the key is no longer valid" message returns in the response.


BookingEndReq with SessionActivity="EndQueue"

The EndQueue options works like the end option, but also allows the user to place the PNR on up to four queues. Queue Selector details must be provided, otherwise, Universal API returns a validation exception.



The Booking End response depends on the type of SessionActivity sent in the request.

Note: For a new booking, after Booking End, the ProviderReservationInfo@LocatorCode will return an actual value, instead of "XXXXXX".

SessionBooking v53.xsd expands on the existing Routehappy flight amenity content returned in the AirCreateReservation, UniversalRecordRetrieve, and the Session Booking transactions BookingPricing, BookingTraveler, and BookingEnd, by extending the data to each leg of a direct flight. N

Note: This is limited release functionality. Contact your Travelport representative for further information.


The exceptions for Booking End are the same as can be found in Universal Record Retrieve Response.