XML Samples: Hotel

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Minimum shop, get details, and book

Search for hotels, get rate and rules for a property, and book a room. A Universal Record is returned in the booking response.

Request Description Sample

Hotel search

Returns a list of available hotel properties. Follow with a Hotel Details (Rate and Rule Search) to retrieve all available booking codes for the property.

Galileo Apollo Worldspan

Get hotel details (rate and rule search)

Returns room rates and rate rules for bookings for a specified hotel property.

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Returns a Universal Record (UR) with the hotel reservation (PNR).

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More hotel information

Request Description Sample

Hotel rules

Returns the full set of rules and policies associated to the selected booking code (RatePlanType).

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Return keyword list

Returns a list of available keywords for a specific property.

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Return specific keyword information

Returns specific information about a given keyword for the specified property.

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Return Hotel Rate Category with Reference Data

Returns specific information about Hotel Rate Category via Reference Data.

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Add an associated remark for Air, Hotel, Vehicle

Add an associated remark for an air, hotel, and vehicle booking.

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Post-booking options

Function Description Sample


Retrieves a hotel booking.

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Returns the history of actions taken on the Universal Record.

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Cancel a hotel segment

Cancels one hotel segment in the Universal Record. The Universal Record and all other segments remain.

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