Canceling Hotel Bookings via the PNR
There are two ways to cancel a booked hotel segment without canceling the entire PNR or UR:
By modifying the Universal Record, which contains one or more PNRs from providers.
By modifying an individual provider PNR within a Universal Record, which is detailed in this topic.
For more information about canceling an entire trip, or canceling all air, car, hotel segments in a PNR, see Canceling Bookings.
See the Cancel Hotel transactions:
Important! Before canceling a booking, the Universal Record for the booking must be retrieved by the Universal API to ensure that all of the booking data is current on the system.™
After the booking is retrieved, a hotel segment in a PNR can be canceled by using HotelCancelReq in the Hotel service.
HotelCancelRsp is returned.
The Universal Record is returned with the cancelled hotel segment or segments. The HotelReservation child of UniversalRecord provides the locator code for the associated PNR. If segments in more than one PNR are cancelled, multiple HotelReservation child elements may be returned.
ARNK (Arrival Unknown) segments are added to the host PNR automatically wherever required, particularly for continuity breaks with the provider PNR. ARNK (Arrival Unknown) segments that are present in Galileo and Apollo provider PNRs are included in the response in the ProviderARNKSegment, to allow agents to view the exact provider PNR composition.