Open/Select Profile

The Open Profile and Select Profile dialogs are used to search and browse for profiles. The Open Profile dialog is accessed by selecting Open Profile from the Profiles menu. The Select Profile dialog is used in other areas of the Travelport Administrative Portal, such as when an agent needs to be assigned to a profile.

When opening or selecting a profile, you can search or browse through the hierarchy.

Search for Profiles

  1. From the Profiles menu, select Open Profile.

  2. Ensure that the Search for profiles option is selected.

  3. Select the type of profile for which you are searching. You cannot search for profiles across profile types; therefore, you must select a profile type.

  4. Either view all travelers or search for a subset of travelers.

    • Click the All Travelers link to view a list of all travelers.

    • Or, enter search criteria to filter traveler results.

      1. Select a field by which to search. The field options change depending on the profile type selected. For example, if the traveler profile type is selected, you can search by surname, first name, remarks, telephone number, email address, and credit card number.

      2. Enter a search value.

        • The asterisk character (*) can be used as a wildcard only at the end of a search value. For example, searching for Branch Groups by Name of Travel* returns all branch groups with names beginning in Travel. Results might include Travelport Training and Travellers Pro, but would not include ABC Travel.

        • There must be at least two characters before the wildcard.

        • Wildcard Restrictions: A wildcard cannot be used to search for credit card number, credit card expiration date, debit card number, debit card expiration date, street, travel document number, or telephone number.

      3. (Optional) Click add search field to further define the search.

      4. Click the Search button.

  5. Select the profile that you want to open from the list.
    To view the profile's history, click the view profile history link.

  6. Click Open.
    If only one profile matches your search criteria, the profile is opened in a new tab.  

Once the profile is opened in a tab, you can edit profile details or delete the profile.

Browse Hierarchy

  1. From the Profiles menu, select Open Profile.

  2. Select the Browse the profile hierarchy option.

    • You can enter a filter term so that, as you browse the hierarchy, only those profiles that contain the filter are displayed.

    • Click the Show travelers or agents in the hierarchy if you want to see agents and travelers; otherwise, agents and travelers are hidden while you browse the hierarchy.

  3. Click the name to move down the hierarchy.

  4. Once you have found the profile that you want to open, select the profile to highlight it.
    To view the profile's history, click the view profile history link.

  5. Click Open.

Once the profile is opened in a tab, you can edit profile details or delete the profile.