fare shopping
Selling Flights from Fare Shopping: Network Carriers
The process for selling flights from Fare Shopping may vary depending on the type of carrier: Network Carriers and Direct Payment Carriers.
Note: For aggregated Fare Shopping responses, both types of carriers may be returned in the same response.
Network carriers are traditional carriers that connect via the Apollo and Galileo systems. Network Carriers typically require paid seats and ancillary services to be added after the PNR is end transacted.
Basic Steps
- Create minimum PNR information. Be sure to include loyalty memberships, which may affect fares and ancillary service prices.
- Search for low fares using one of the Fare Shopping search options.
- Optional. Click the Filter
icon in the upper right corner to narrow your search results.
- Optional. Click Details for a Pricing Option to view fare details.
- Optional. Click Rules for a Pricing Option to view fare rules and fare component rules.
- If available, view seat maps. (For Network Carriers, seat maps are typically available for viewing only until the flights are booked.)
- Book flights for unbranded or branded fares. Note that prices for branded fares are estimated only until they are priced in the following step.
- Enter 4P* or another pricing command to price the booked flights.
- Enter ER to end transact to create a PNR and redisplay the booking.
- If applicable, view seat maps to select free or paid seats or to request airline-assigned seats.
- If applicable, select ancillary services, such as paid baggage, meals, or lounge access. Some branded fares include ancillary services in the base price, but may allow additional ancillary services to be purchased separately.
- If you selected paid seats and/or additional ancillary services, enter 4P* to price the itinerary again and create a Ticket Record. This price includes any ancillary service and paid seat costs in the fare totals and breakdowns.
- Enter ER to end transact the booking, store the Ticket Record, and redisplay the itinerary.
Detailed Steps
The following steps show the minimum tasks required to search for search for and sell flights from Fare Shopping.
To book flights on a Direct Payment Carrier:
- Create PNR information. At minimum, you must create passenger names before booking flights. Be sure to include loyalty memberships, which may affect fares and ancillary service prices.
- Search for low fares using one of the Fare Shopping search options.
- Optional. Click the Filter
icon in the upper right corner to narrow your search results.
- Optional. Click Details for a Pricing Option to view fare details.
- Optional. Click Rules for a Pricing Option to view fare rules and fare component rules.
See Example
Click on a component link, such as CPH-HEL, to view the rules for that component. These rules frequently contain a link to the carrier's web site for full rule details.
- If available, view seat maps. (For Network Carriers, seat maps are typically available for viewing only until the flights are booked.)
- Select a Pricing Option for unbranded (black fare text) or branded fares (blue fare text) and click BOOK. Note that prices for branded fares are estimated only until they are priced in the following step.
As you select flights, the booked segments are displayed in the PNR view.
- Enter 4P to price the itinerary as booked, or enter another pricing option. See KB0014477 in the Travelport Knowledge Base for pricing modifiers and additional information.
- End transact and redisplay (ER) to create a PNR. Typically, Network Carriers require the itinerary to be end transacted before ancillary services, including paid seats, can be added.
- Optional. Click the class of service to view seat maps and select seat assignments, if available for the selected carrier.
- Optional. Click the Shopping Cart
icon Shop to add ancillary services (optional services). Available ancillary services vary by carrier and flight.
Branded Fares typically include ancillary services as part of the fare brand. However, additional ancillaries that are not part of the baseline fare brand may be available for an additional fee.
- If you added ancillaries or paid seat assignments in Steps 8 and 9, enter 4P* to price the itinerary again and create a Ticket Record. This price includes any ancillary service and paid seat costs in the fare totals and breakdowns. See KB0014477 in the Travelport Knowledge Base for pricing modifiers and additional information.
- Enter ER to end transact the booking, store the Ticket Record, and redisplay the booking.