Smart Buttons

Smart Buttons Editor: Easy Mode

Smart Buttons has two levels of complexity to create or modify Smart Buttons scripts:

  • Easy Mode (Advance GDS Command Helper) to create basic features and controls.

  • Standard Mode to create more complex features and controls.

To use the Smart Buttons Editor in Easy Mode:
  1. Open the Smart Buttons Editor.

  2. Select the Advanced GDS Command Helper (Easy Mode) check box.

    Note: By default the Smart Buttons Editor automatically displays in Standard Mode.

    The following controls are displayed to build scripts in Easy Mode.

Easy Mode Controls

You can use the following controls to create scripts in Easy Mode. Controls are configured in the Smart Buttons Editor using either intuitive screens or XML.

Tip! The Standard Mode contains the full list of controls.

Control XML Element Description

User Interface Elements

Text Field TextBox Add a text box.
Text Label TextBlock Add Label (line with text, which is not editable), for example, the parts of commands that are static.
Drop-Down List ComboBox Create Choice options.
Date Selector DatePicker Display calendar to select a date.
Show Message ShowMessage

Display a message. This appears as a splash screen or text message on the Travelport Smartpoint screen.

Other Controls

Run Terminal Command <RunCommand> Run terminal commands in addition to the one built out of the other controls
Run Other Button <RunOtherButton> Run another script
Run Application <RunExe> Run an application (exe) or web site (url)

Easy Mode Example

You want to facilitate usage of List Display functionality (GDS functionality that allows to list all bookings per parameters used), because agents are having troubles with remembering what is the format to display Ticketed/Unticketed or All booking files for specific date range.

The following script was built using Easy Mode. The agent is selecting only if they to display all bookings or only ticketed or unticketed, plus entering the date range and click Execute. The static parts of the command are not editable, for example, LD/ or -D .

<ButtonConf EasyMode="True" ButtonName="List Display 
-EasyMode example" Description="" QuickCommand="">
<ComboBox Width="80" SelectedItemIndex="1">
<DatePicker DateFormat="ddMMM" />
<DatePicker DateFormat="ddMMM" />