Smart Buttons
Controls/XML Elements

Text Label <TextBlock>

The TextBlock control adds a label, which is a line with text, to a prompt.

Important! You can use this XML element only as a child element of QuestionsBlock .

Within the TextBlock element, three icon types, which corresponding text color can be defined: Information, Warning, and Error.

  • Information

    Green text and “i” icon

  • Error

    Red text and “X” icon

  • Warning

    Orange text and “!” icon


To configure with the Text Label Editor:

  1. Open the Smart Buttons Editor to create a script.

  2. Click Text Label <TextBlock> to display the Text Label Editor.

  3. Configure the attributes.




    Text to be displayed to the agent.

    Icon Icon to be displayed to the agent mapped with text color: Information (green text) – “i”, Warning (orange text)- “!”, Error (red text) - “X”
    Max width Maximum width of the text line.
    Use terminal font type  
    Font size select font size, max that can be selected is 32
    Font color Select color of your text
    Bold Check if you want your text to be bold

Text Block Placement

Text Block must be used inside of the QuestionsBlock element.

<ButtonConf ButtonName="Example of a TextBlock" Description="" QuickCommand="">
<QuestionsBlock WindowFormTitle="" DoNotAllowCancel="false" ShowWarningWhenCancel="false" SubmitButtonName="SUBMIT">
<TextBlock FontColor="#FFFF0000" FontSize="32" Bold="True">Check if CC has been added to the booking file</TextBlock>