Assisted Ticketing

Requesting Full Refunds

With Assisted Ticketing, you can refund eligible tickets.

You have the option to refund tickets from either:

  • An active PNR/Booking File.

  • Without a PNR/Booking File.

After the ticket information is entered or selected, the rest of the refund process is the same.

Note: Smartpoint 11.0 and earlier. Full and partial refunds for tickets issued by Canadian agencies require a workaround.


For all full refunds:
  1. If applicable. Complete fields in the Refund Options section. Unavailable options are shaded.

  2. Click CONTINUE to display the confirmation message. In this example, one ticket is fully refunded.

    Note: With this approval, the agent assumes responsibility that they have followed all of the carrier rules for refunds.
  3. Click Yes to confirm the refund and display the success message.

    If the refund is not successful, an error response is returned in the message.

  4. Click OK to complete the Full Refund process and display the confirmation message.

    After the refund process is completed, the refund status (RFND) is displayed for the selected tickets in the ticket list.

    After the refund process is completed, the refund status (RFND) is displayed for the selected tickets in the ticket list.

    The refund is indicated in the PNR/Booking File

    In Smartpoint 10.1 and later, DI remarks with return information display in the PNR/Booking File.

    Note: Tickets with multiple forms of payment are not currently supported. The refund is processed correctly in the GDS. However, the DI lines are unable to capture the split payment details and the added lines are incorrect.