Assisted Ticketing

Launching Assisted Ticketing

There are several ways to open Assisted Ticketing, formerly known as Smartpoint Assisted Ticketing (SAT).

Flex Windows

Click the Assisted Ticketing icon in the lower left corner of the Smartpoint screen.

Classic Windows

Click the Assisted Ticket icon in the upper right corner of the Smartpoint screen.

From an Active Booking File

If you have a Booking File with a ticket or stored fare (Filed Fare), click the Ticket icon in the PNR Viewer.


From Quick Commands

You can use Quick Commands to open individual tabs in Assisted Ticketing.


Quick Command

Issue My Ticket


Ticket List


Ticket Revalidation


Ticket Void


Ticket Refund


Manual Fare Builder


Involuntary Change

#SATINVOL (opens the Smartpoint Assisted Ticketing tab)

#INVOL or INVOL (automatically executes the involuntary change)

Voluntary Change #SATVOL