Assisted Ticketing

Building Manual Fares

Assisted Ticketing provides a user interface to store manual fares, which can assist with exchanges.

Important! The Manual Fare Builder feature in Assisted Ticketing does not provide any guarantee against ADMs (Agency Debit Memos):
  • Agents are obligated to obtain all of the necessary approvals before proceeding with Manual Fare Build.

  • Agents should always check all Filed Fare elements before storing or updating the manual fare.

Manual Fare Options

There are three options to create manual Filed Fares from the Manual Fare Builder tab:


NDC and Direct Payment Carrier segments are not supported. See Assisted Ticketing for more information.

In addition to messages and/or warnings, when an itinerary contains only NDC or Direct Payment Carrier segments and corresponding stored fares (filed fares) in either the electronic ticket (*HTE) or document itinerary (*DI):

  • All options/buttons in the Manual Fare Builder tab are disabled except the Create Empty Fare button.

  • Because segments are not loaded when the PNR/Booking File contains only NDC segments, selecting the Create Empty Fare button displays the existing message: Please, add at least one passenger and segment!

More Information

For more information about Manual Fares entries and business processes, see Manual Fare Build and other manual fares topics in the Travelport Knowledge Base.