Getting Started Guide

This guide collects the resources you need to get started using the JSON Air APIs.

This online help provides information for using the JSON Air APIs to develop your travel application, including Guides, API References, and Workflow Diagrams. See Using the Help for more about finding what you need.

In this guide:


Travelport provides the credentials required for the JSON APIs when you sign up with Travelport and are provisioned with specific APIs. If you aren't yet a provisioned user, you can still browse the saved examples in the Postman collections of the Air API Developer Toolkits to view examples.

If you aren't a current Travelport customer, send a Sales Inquiry form to learn more about our products.

Developer Toolkits

You can use the Air API Developer Toolkits to get the OAS (Swagger) files and a Postman collection that you can use to view saved requests and responses and test your own data with your credentials. Some of the air devkits also include saved text file examples.


The JSON APIs use OAuth 2.0 for authentication. You must send the credentials provided at provisioning to generate an authorization token to send in all subsequent API requests. A new auth token is required every 24 hours. See Authentication.

Concepts and Terms

The JSON Air APIs support light and responsive payloads by using a workflow of linked API calls to move through the required steps to search, confirm pricing, book, and ticket air travel. Along the way, you can take optional actions such as requesting upsell options for a base fare, retrieving detailed rules for a specific fare, or booking seats and other paid services (called ancillaries).

The JSON APIs Guide is the best starting point to learn about how the JSON APIs work and the terminology used in the travel industry.

Be sure to read the Air Shopping Guide. All linked JSON API workflows start with the Search API, so you'll see the search concepts and example code patterns in this guide through all the JSON APIs.

See the list of Guides for usage guidelines and supported functionality for each area of travel, including shopping, pricing, seats, etc. Every guide covers basic concepts, workflows, and request and response layout diagrams.

For a list of both travel terminology and terms specific to JSON API concepts, see the Air Glossary.

Endpoints and API References

While the Guides provide general usage information, every JSON Air API has a complete API reference that provides all of the following in the same format:

  • Reference tables detailing every object in the request and response

  • Example request

  • Example response

See the API Reference List for all API references grouped by resource.

For a consolidated list of all endpoints and supported methods for each, see the Endpoints List.

Headers, Errors, Troubleshooting, and Support

Most other resources you need are on the General menu at the top of every page in this help, including: