Creating Your Product Page
Product Page Creation wizard
Click Add Solution (in the My Solutions tab under My Account) to access the Product Page Creation wizard. The left-side navigation details the steps required to create your product page. We recommend you start by adding a Product Title and saving, which allows you to navigate to the other portions of the product page creation process.
Other than the Product Title, most other fields are not required for navigation, but they are required for submission of the Product Page for approval.
Tool tips are provided throughout the process by hovering over the information icon:
To stop at any point and continue at a later time:
Find your newly created product page Draft on your My Solutions tab in your My Account area.
Click Edit Draft under the product's name to re-enter the Product Page Creation Wizard.
Product Page Navigation
The Product Page left-side menu lets you navigate to other sections of the wizard, save your progress, and preview the product page as you continue.
A green check displays when all required fields on a page are complete. Required fields throughout the process are denoted with an “*”.
Once you have a green check for all of the sections, you are able to submit your product page for review. You do not need to be 100% complete for this to happen.
Basic Information
The Basic Information page allows you to describe the main features of your solution and comprises the main body of your product page. Character limitations are noted above each field.
- Complete as much of the information as necessary. The following fields are required for submission:
Product Title
Note: For downloadable products, the recommendation is to not include any spaces in the name. Instead use an underscore or no spaces.
At least three Product Features
Short Description
Long Description
Click Save to remain on this page, or click Save and Continue to advance to the next step.
Media and the New Product Page
This page allows you to upload images and video links to support your solution.
Required items:
Product logo
At least one screen shot
To add the product logo:
Click the Add Product Logo box to open the upload window.
Click the Browse button to find and select the product logo.
Click the Upload button to save the image.
Click Remove to delete the current product logo.
To add screen shot(s):
Click the Add Screenshot box to open the upload window.
Optionally, enter a title for the screen shot.
Click the Browse button to find and select a screen shot.
Click the Upload button to save the image.
Click Remove to delete the current screen shot, or Preview to view.
You can add up to four screen shots and three YouTube video links related to your solution. Once you have added a screen shot or video link, you are able to preview them from this page.
Recommended image sizes:
Logo — 80 x 80 pixels at 72 dpi
Screenshots — 800 x 600 at 72 dpi
Click Save to remain on this page, or click Save and Continue to advance to the next step..
Support Details and Documentation
This step lets you add product support information and documents to the product page.
Required items:
Product Support Page URL
Support Contact Email Address
Enter a URL for the product-specific help information.
Optionally, enter the name of a support contact.
Enter an email address for first-line support. The email address defaults to the person creating this product page.
You can upload up to three support files/documents directly to the product page. These files can be of any type except .exe, .msi, .dll, and .zip. Select the Add Additional Support File link to upload a second and third file.
Note: These documents are available for download to anyone that can access the product page.
Help setting up your additional support information can be found in the Travelport Support topic.
Click Save to remain on this page, or click Save and Continue to advance to the next step.
This step gives you the ability to target your product only to specific customers.
You must select at least one audience, either Global or Restricted Access.
The audience defaults to a Global setting which means, every user who visits the Travelport Marketplace website is able to search for and view your product page. Once a user has logged in, they may also have the ability to order and/or download your solution, depending on their role.
Restricted Access
You can create a limited access list for your solution and you have control over who can search for and view the actual product page.
You can also create a Restricted Access list for orders while still allowing anyone who is on Travelport Marketplace to view the product page.
If you select Restricted Access without the check-box, only users that are logged into Travelport Marketplace AND that meet the specified criteria are able to find and see the product page.
If you select Restricted Access with the check-box, ANY user is able to search for and view your product page, regardless of login status, just like other global product pages.
To specify a restricted audience:
Select Restricted Access and click the New link on the right side of the page.
Select an access category type: Marketplace ID, Organization + PCC, Region, or Country.
Enter a value for the category type. For example, if you select Country as the category type, enter the name of the country whose users can view the product page. As you begin typing, a list of values displays in a drop-down list.
Click Save .
Note:Allow unlisted Marketplace users to view the product page. is selected by default
Note 2: For the Organization + PCC category, you can specify All PCCs for an organization or limit it to a specific PCC within an organization.
There is an extra option for Travelport Developers, that allows them to restrict access to other Travelport Employees as well. So in addition to the above steps:
Decide if all Travelport Marketplace users should be able to view the product page or only those that display on the access list.
Note: Customers who are not logged into Travelport Marketplace website are NOT able to view restricted access product pages, even if they otherwise fit the access list criteria.
You can edit or delete a Restricted Access member using the links in the right-most column.
Click Save to remain on this page, or click Save and Continue to advance to the next step.
The Classification page lets you define your solution’s characteristics and add a variety of searchable categories and tags that will help potential customers find your solution on Marketplace.
- Select the platform that your product supports.
If you select Travelport Smartpoint:You are prompted to enter a version number of Travelport Smartpoint. The version number is purely informational, but it lets customers know the version of Travelport Smartpoint for which your solution was developed.
You are provided with your solution’s specific Plug-in ID or GUID, which is a required piece of information you need to upload your solution later.
Select which Travelport host(s) the solution services. If you select Travelport Smartpoint as the supported platform, you must select at least one host. If you select one of the other options, you can select a supported host, but it is not required.
Specify at least one region that your solution targets. You can either select Global or one or more individual regions. Selecting specific regions does not preclude any customers from being able to search for and/or find your solution on the website. It merely provides the product page an additional searchable characteristic.
Select at least one (and up to five) Product Categories that could describe your solution. When a customer filters the available product list, these categories could be used as filter criteria.
Optionally, enter up to five additional Search Tags to your product page, and click Add. The terms display under Keywords.
Click Save to remain on this page, or click Save and Continue to advance to the next step.
The Distribution page lets you select your distribution method, the product price, the product license option, and the billing option.
Required items:
You must select at least one Solution Distribution method.
You must select the Price for your solution
Solution Distribution
Depending on the Platform Supported choice you made on the Classifications page, several different distribution options are displayed.
If the Platform Supported is: | Direct Download from Marketplace | Marketplace Integration Plug-in |
Distribute Elsewhere | No Distribution Needed |
Travelport Smartpoint | Required | Optional | Optional | Not Available |
Mobile | Optional | Not Available | Optional | Optional |
Stand Alone / Services | Optional | Not Available | Optional | Optional |
Direct Download from Marketplace
This distribution method allows a customer to download your solution directly from the Travelport Marketplace website, once they have purchased the solution.
This method requires the customer to install the solution themselves, so the product should include its own installer.
Marketplace Integration Plug-in
This distribution method interacts with a feature in Travelport Smartpoint (v7.2 or later) that automatically downloads and installs the solution to the customer’s Travelport Smartpoint instance, once that user has been assigned the solution.
Travelport Smartpoint handles the installation of the solution, so no installer is necessary.
Note: This method is not supported for all customers. Users must be on Travelport Smartpoint v7.2 or higher as well as not be utilizing a Terminal Server instance, such as Citrix.
Distribute Elsewhere
Select this distribution method if you plan to distribute your solution by other means, or from outside of Travelport Marketplace.
If you select this method, you will be prompted to describe how you plan to distribute your solution.
Note: You should add the same distribution details to the Confirmation Email Message on the Communications page to make sure that customers understand how they will receive their solution.
No Distribution Needed
This lets customers know that there is no tangible product they need to receive as part of this solution.
Uploading Your Solution
The Direct Download and Marketplace Integration distribution methods require you to upload your solution to the Travelport Marketplace website. There are specific instructions for each of the methods provided for you on the Distribution page.
Once you have successfully uploaded your solution to Travelport Marketplace, the version number you entered displays on the Distribution page, for the appropriate method.
This section allows you to set the product price for the solution.
The price of the solution defaults to Free, but other pricing options are available:
Fixed Price — Allows you to set a single amount for the solution that can be displayed in USD, EUR, or GBP.
Custom — Allows for a more complex pricing models and requires additional communication between you and the customer to discuss specific pricing details, outside of Travelport Marketplace.
Free Trial — Enables the customer to use a temporary license to access the solution functionality for the specified amount of time. This option is not available if Free is selected as a price.
This selection lets you choose the type of licensing you wish to apply to your solution.
Enterprise License — Provides an agency/organization-wide license that allows anyone associated with the agency to download and install the solution for use. Free solutions are required to have Enterprise licenses.
Site License — Allows users to install the solution on multiple computers in an individual location or facility.
Seat License — Provides an individual instance license and requires additional purchases for each user of the solution.
You are responsible for managing the licenses for solutions that are either Seat or Site, via the Manage Plug-in Licenses link in your Administration section located in the main menu bar.
The Communication page allows you to set up communication preferences between you and customers.
Important items:
It is required to specify a Support Email Address.
It is recommended to complete the Order Notification Email.
You have the option to add one or more (up to five) email addresses that allow you to receive email notifications when a Travelport Marketplace user orders your solution. If you do not enter an email address into this field (it is not required), no notifications are received.
Notification Options
Receive an email when a Travelport user orders the solution — If selected, you receive a notification email when an internal (Travelport) user orders your solution. Travelport employees might order the solution for training or testing purposes, which would not be considered actual orders. (NOT RECOMMENDED)
Provide potential customers the ability to request a Product Demo — If selected, an additional required field displays to enter the email address the product demo requests are sent to.
Add a message to the Order Confirmation email when someone orders your solution — If selected, an additional field displays for you to add a personalized message to the bottom of the Confirmation email that is sent to users. The Order Confirmation Message field is required if you select this option. (RECOMMENDED)
Terms and Conditions
This field shows the Travelport Marketplace Terms and Conditions that must be agreed to every time a customer orders a solution.
Click the Add Product Specific Terms and Conditions button to display an area for you to add your own terms and conditions, if you choose. These Terms and Conditions display when a user orders your solution and need to be agreed upon in order to complete their order.
Select Save Progress to remain on this page, or Save and Preview to advance to the next step.
Review and Submit
The Review and Submit page in the Product Page creation workflow directs you to upload the certificate for direct downloads and Smartpoint integration plugins. Note: At this point in the process, necessary product certifications must have been procured through a MyTravelport request directed to the Desktop Support team.
The Submit For Approval button is disabled until the certificates for direct downloads and Smartpoint integration downloads are uploaded.
Select the Upload button to launch the screen to attach the previously issued certificate.
If the direct download option of the product is selected, the screen displays as below:
Select Browse to locate the certificate to be uploaded.
Select Upload.
After the certificate is uploaded, the Submit For Approval button is enabled and the Upload button is disabled.
Select the Submit For Approval button. A prompt displays to confirm submission. Click Yes to proceed.
A confirmation displays with a successful submission.
The system also notifies both the Marketplace Development team and the Travelport Desktop Support team.
Desktop Support team members with the Application Certifier role can go to the Manage Application Certification page and approve the product for publishing.
Submit Both Direct Download and Integration Download Versions
If the product was uploaded both as a direct download and integration download version, there are separate certificates for each version. Upload each certificate and select Submit For Approval for each of the certificates.
Replace Certificate
If the certificate needs to be replaced, delete the certificate and submit the product again for approval. The system displays a message confirming the certificate deletion. Select Yes to delete and proceed to upload the new certificate.