Supporting Your Product

We recognize that it is not feasible for our support staff to ramp up on each and every product available on Travelport Marketplace. We consider you the experts and best placed to help our mutual customers with support-related questions.

As a result, we ask for your help by making support information for your product available – ideally on a page (or pages) that can be used as the link provided in the Product Support Page field on the Support page of the product page creation process. Once a SETA page has been created in MyTravelport, you can link this page to your product in the Support Information section.

Please complete the checklist and send this to your local Travelport Help Desk, copying your account manager, requesting for a SETA page (Support, Escalation, Troubleshooting, Answers) to be created, and linked to answer (Internal) SETA Travelport Marketplace products and services in MyTravelport.

We expect you to provide the following information:

Activities Comments

Where is the information available?

(e.g. Homeport, SharePoint, own site)

Solutions Page Has the Solution page been created in Travelport Marketplace?

If yes, this page should contain, but not limited to, the following information:

  • Product summary
  • Host information
  • Platform
  • Support information

Note: Marketplace Team will review page with Global Marketing.

Note: For downloadable products, we recommend file names without spaces, or to use underscores "_" between words instead of spaces.

Installation and Enablement Process Has a clear enablement process for the solution been defined? Please also highlight key steps and owners to provide a high-level summary for the help desk to guide customers.
Training Does this new solution require support training? If support training is required, plan to up skill help desks.
User Guide Is a user guide available?  
FAQs Have you provided a frequently asked questions document?  
At a Glance Have you provided an At a Glance document?  
Support Process Have you provided support and escalation process?  
Troubleshooting Guide Is a troubleshooting guide available or required?  
Useful Information Any other information that will enable this solution to be a success?