
Displaying Room and Rate Rules

In a Standard Hotel workflow, after selecting a hotel room and rate option from a complete hotel availability display, it is strongly recommended to view the rate rules for the selected option.

Tip! You can also view rate rules after booking from the PNR/Booking File.
To display rate rules:

From a Complete Availability display, click on the hotel rate or rate range for a selected property.

The rules for this room/rate selection are displayed. Exact information may vary by property, but includes:

  • Check-in, check-out, and minimum stay requirements. For some properties, a web site is displayed to provide additional information.
  • The room type code (booking code). In this example, the code is 2QN013A.
  • A breakdown of rates and an approximate total rate for the stay.
  • Room description and property description.
  • Commission information.
  • Accepted forms of payment and payment type (guarantee, deposit, or pre-payment).
  • Associated taxes, fees, and charges.

Next Steps

After you review room and rate rules, at the bottom of the screen, you can either:

  1. Click to redisplay the hotel rates in the Hotel Complete Availability display.
  2. Click to add the selected room/rate to the PNR/Booking File as a passive hotel segment. The hotel property, dates of stay, and rate information from your selection automatically display in the Hotel Passive screen.
  3. Click to open the Advanced Sell screen to sell this room and rate option.