
Split Ticketing

When you request a flight shopping search or air pricing in Smartpanel, you can split ticketing for air segments.

There are three options for split ticketing in Smartpanel:


To split tickets in flight shopping:

  1. Make a flight shopping search in Smartpanel.

  1. Click the Ticket arrow for each segment to select the same number for the sectors to be ticketed together or a separate number for each sector to be ticketed separately. A maximum of six tickets can be quoted separately.

In this example, Segments 1 and 2 are ticketed together and Segment 3 is split.

  1. After completing other search entries, click SEARCH to display the booking options based on the ticket split. In this example:
  2. Window 2 displays the pricing options for Segments 1 and 2.
  3. Window 3 displays the pricing options for Segment 3.


To price split tickets as one ticket in flight shopping:

  1. Make a flight shopping search in Smartpanel.

  1. Click the Ticket arrow to select the same number for the sectors to be ticketed together or a separate number for each sector to be ticketed separately. A maximum of six tickets can be quoted separately.

In this example, each of the four segments is ticketed separately as a one-way journey with a different ticket number for each segment.

  1. Select Price as one ticket.
  2. After completing other search entries, click SEARCH to display the booking options based on the ticket split. In this example:
  3. Windows 1–4 display pricing options for each ticketed segment.
  4. Window 5 displays the entire route with a single price for each set of pricing options.

  1. Click the Ticket arrow to select the same number for the sectors to be ticketed together or a separate number for each sector to be ticketed separately. A maximum of six tickets can be quoted separately.
  2. Optional. A pop-window (Flex Windows) or new tab (Classic Windows) displays with the cheapest flight option from the entire route.

You can book the lowest fare option, add to Trip Quote, or show more low fare options, if available.


To price air fares with split tickets:

You can split tickets on an request that follows either or an Air Availability search.

  1. Make an air availability search or a flight shopping search in Smartpanel. In this example, an Air Availability search is made.

  1. Select the desired segments or pricing options, then click the Air Pricing tab to price and/or store fares. In this example, the shows a Best Buy pricing in Apollo, but the process is the same for both Travelport+ (1G) and Apollo (1V) pricing functions.

  1. Click the Ticket arrow for each segment to select the same number for the sectors to be ticketed together or a separate number for each sector to be ticketed separately. A maximum of six tickets can be quoted separately.

In this example:

  • Segment 1 and Segment 3 between Amsterdam and Curaçao are ticketed together in Ticket 1.
  • Segment 2 between Curaçao and Aruba is ticketed as Ticket 2. The traveler plans sail between Aruba and Curaçao (an ARNK segment), so only a single segment is required for Ticket 2.
  1. After completing other pricing entries, click SEND to display the booking options based on the ticket split. In this example:
  2. Segments 1 and 3 are priced in Window 1.
  3. Segment 2 is priced in Window 2.