Changing PCI Security

GlobalWare is Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant when you first install it. This means that GlobalWare enables encryption for primary account numbers (PANs) and sets other PCI-related security options to the minimum PCI compliance standards by default. If you store sensitive cardholder data in your GlobalWare database, it is important that you not change these controls to less than PCI compliance standards. However, if you take GlobalWare out of PCI scope by truncating the PAN so that only the first six and last four characters are visible, you can use the PCI Security function to change PCI security settings as appropriate. Access to these settings should be limited to agency database administrators and GlobalWare password administrators.


For a linked list of documents related to GlobalWare and PCI compliance, see Documents Related to PCI Compliance.

Changing PCI Security Settings

To change PCI security settings:

  1. On the System menu, click PCI Security.

    Note: To access the PCI Security function, your employee account profile must have Low or High permission selected under System Menu and PCI Security selected under System Access on the Employee Security screen. For more information, see Employee Security.

    The PCI Security screen appears.

    Note: Default settings on this screen (as shown above) represent minimum requirements for PCI compliance. You can reset this screen to its default settings at any time by clicking RESTORE.

  2. Complete the fields as appropriate.
  3. Click SAVE.

    By default, all controls on the PCI Security screen are set to the minimum PCI compliance standards. A message appears if you set these controls to less than what PCI compliance requires. However, the message allows you to continue.

  4. If you selected Enable Secure Delete, you receive a message indicating that you must restart your GlobalWare service before your PCI settings can take effect. Click OK, exit GlobalWare, and reboot your computer (for standalone implementations) or your server (for multi-user implementations).

Printing the Admin Access Log

The Admin Access Log records GlobalWare logon/logoff activity, GlobalWare install/uninstall activity, and other GlobalWare activity related to PCI security, such as views of credit card data.

To print the log:

  1. On the PCI Security screen, ensure Print Access Log is selected, and then click PRINT.

    The Choose a Date dialog box appears.

  2. Specify dates related to admin access events, as follows:

    • For a range of dates, specify a beginning date in the From field and an ending date in the To field.
    • For a range of dates with no beginning date, leave the From field blank and specify an ending date in the To field.
    • For a range of dates with no ending date, specify a beginning date in the From field and leave the To field blank.
    • For a particular date, specify the same date in the From and To fields.
  3. Click OK.

    The Send to dialog box appears. Select a report destination. For more information, see Printing Overview.

Log Example

Archiving the Admin Access Log

You might need to archive and purge data in the Admin Access Log to conserve memory and storage resources.

To archive and purge log data:

  1. On the PCI Security screen, ensure Store Log is selected, and then click ARCHIVE.

  2. In the Choose a Date dialog, select a date up to which you want log data archived and purged.

    Note: For PCI compliance, do not specify a date within 90 days of the current date. You must keep log data for a minimum of 90 days unless you have taken GlobalWare out of PCI scope.

  3. Click OK.

    GlobalWare archives and purges log data up to the date you specified. The archived data is in an Excel spreadsheet (.CSV file) in an ARCHIVE folder in the GlobalWare program folder (Gblware) on your computer. You indicated where the Gblware folder should be located when you installed GlobalWare.

    Note: A message appears if you specified a date within 90 days of the current date, which is a violation of what PCI compliance requires. However, the message allows you to continue. You can continue if you have taken GlobalWare out of PCI scope.

Printing the Employee Access Log

The Employee Access Log records access-level settings related to PCI security for all employees. Specifically, the log shows the following access levels for each employee:

Every Y in the log is bold and green to easily see access levels.

The Employee Security function determines security levels for each employee. For more information, see Employee Security.

To print the log, ensure Print Employee Access Report is selected on the PCI Security screen, and then click PRINT. The Send to dialog box appears. Select a report destination. For more information, see Printing Overview.


Log Example

Restoring PCI Security to Default Settings

To restore PCI security settings on the PCI Security screen to their default settings, click RESTORE. You should do this if you were out of PCI scope and changed these controls, but now want to start storing PANs for business needs.