GL Change Log
The GL Change Log report tracks information that has changed since the initial posting of a record to the general ledger. The report serves as an auditing tool. If you are investigating records on the GL Edit & Query screen and find something puzzling, this report can provide some answers.
Note: Changes display for the branches to which the user has access.
Running the Report
To run the report:
On the GL submenu, click GL Change Log.
The GL Change Log dialog box appears.
Field descriptions
The following table describes the fields on the GL Change Log dialog box.
Field Description From (for date range)
Beginning date of a range of dates when general ledger transactions were last added, deleted, or changed. Transactions within the specified range of change dates will be included on the report. Use this date in conjunction with the To date to define a range. If you specify only the From date, the range includes all dates from this date to the current date. Leave the date fields blank to include all dates.
To (for date range)
Ending date of a range of dates when general ledger transactions were last added, deleted, or changed. Transactions within the specified range of change dates will be included on the report. Use this date in conjunction with the From date to define a range. If you specify only the To date, the range includes all dates before and including this date. Leave the date fields blank to include all dates.
Specific agent code for which to run the report. The report will include transactions changed by the specified agent. Leave this field blank to include transactions regardless of agent code.
To find and select an agent, click the lookup (
) button. The Agent screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.
From (for control # range)
Beginning control number of a range of control numbers. Control numbers within the specified range will be included on the report. Use this field in conjunction with the To control number field to define a range. If you specify only the From control number, the range includes all control numbers from this control number to the highest control number. To run the report for all control numbers, leave this field and the To field blank.
To (for control # range)
Ending control number of a range of control numbers. Control numbers within the specified range will be included on the report. Use this field in conjunction with the From control number field to define a range. If you specify only the To control number, the range includes all control numbers less than and including this control number. To run the report for all control numbers, leave this field and the From field blank.
Record Type
Type of general ledger transaction record for which to run the report. Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
- All – Include all records.
- Deleted – Include only deleted transaction records.
- Added – Include only added transaction records.
- Changed – Include only changed transaction records. If you select this option, the Changed Field field appears. Use it to specify the field for which you want to list changes on the report.
Changed Field
Specific field for which you want to list changes on the report. For example, if you want to see changes made to the Amount field, select Amount from the drop-down list. Changed Field is available only if the Record Type field is set to Changed.
- Complete the fields as appropriate.
- Choose one of the following print options:
To print the report immediately, click PRINT.
The Send to dialog box appears. Select a report destination. For more information, see Printing Overview.
To store the report as part of a batch for printing later, click BATCH.
The Choose a Batch dialog box appears. For more information, see Batch Printing.
Report Example
GL Change Log report example
Report Notes
- The report (example) lists two lines for each transaction: the first line lists the original values, and the second line lists the agent who made the change, the date of the change, and the new values. If the item was deleted or added, a message indicating this appears in the Comment column.
The transaction is identified by its control and sequence numbers.
Note: You can review a control number on the GL Edit & Query screen or on the Journal Entry Register report. See General Ledger Transactions or General Ledger Report / Journal Entry Register.