Balance Subledger to GL: Step by step
Important: Ensure all invoices have been posted to GL to current date before beginning. Refer to Invoice Posting.
Note: Balancing needs to be done on a quiet system. Do not interface or post receipts or checks during this process or it will change the balances.
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These steps detail how to:
Balance accounts receivable
Balance travel payables
This topic provides reasons why charts do not balance.
Balance Accounts Receivable (based on “Post Invoices By A/R Date”).
From the A/R menu, select Accounts Receivable Report.
Select By G/L Account as the Report Type, select current date as the Cutoff Date, and select Summary Only. Select Print.
On the report, the balances for A/R sub-ledger charts are as follows:
OnAcct = 2040 (This account number is defined in the System menu, then System Control in the System tab in the Unapplied Funds & Non-Invoice Items section in the Customer field.)
Sum of ARC/Dir + Invoice = 1510
Gift Certificate = 2050
Layaway = 2055
Compare to equivalent in GL for each chart. Ensure the Posting Date To Date is set to the current date. The Total provides the GL total for 2040.
From the A/P menu, select Travel Payables Report.
Select By G/L Account as the Report Type, select the current date as the To date, and select Summary Only. Select Print.
On the report, the balances for A/P sub-ledger charts are as follows:
OnAcct = 2045 (This account number is defined in the System menu, then System Control in the System tab in the Unapplied Funds & Non-Invoice Items section in the Provider field.)
Difference of TotAmt – Prov$ = 2020
Compare to equivalent in GL for each chart. Ensure the Posting Date To Date is set to the current date. The Total provides the GL total for 2045.
Balance Credit Card Commissions Receivables.
From the Commission menu, select CC Commission Receivables.
Select Standard Receivables By A/R Date as the Report Type, select the current date as the Cutoff Date, and select Summary Only. Select Print.
On the report, the balances for credit card commission receivable sub-ledger chart are as follows:
Total = 1512 (This account number is defined in the System menu, then System Control in the System tab in the Comm. Receivables field.)
Compare to equivalent in GL for 1512 Account. Ensure the Posting Date To date is set to the current date. The Total provides the GL total for 1512.
Reasons Why Charts DO NOT Balance
Ultimately, everything that hits sub-ledger should come through standard invoicing, applied receipts, and applied payments, which means that everything besides Batch Posting would have a PayID. The PayID is associated to every sub-ledger item, because it is associated with an invoice that flows through the system. Thus, line items that are not batch postings should all have PayIDs and ones that DO NOT have a PayId are errors/mistakes.
Examples of search results without PayIds are available below. If a long list of results are returned, you may need to scroll to find the empty Pay ID fields. You can also sort the Pay ID field by choosing Sort Smallest to Largest so that the empty Pay ID rows display at the top of the list.
Once you sort the column, an up arrow displays indicating that this column is sorted smallest to largest. Rows with a blank Pay ID field display at the top of the list.

In the image below, a GL search for account 1512 returned a result with no Pay ID.

In the image below, a GL search for account 2040 returned a result with no Pay ID.

In the image below, a GL search for account 2045 returned a result with no Pay ID.

In the image below, a GL search for account 1510 returned a result with no Pay ID.
Other Reasons for Out-of-Balance
A/R or A/P Date in the Future, but Customer Payments (1510) or Credit Card Commission Payments (1512) or Checks (2020) were applied to the invoice, but the invoice is not yet posted:
Query for Customer Payments that were applied to invoices that have not been posted, affecting the total in chart 1510, so these items are in addition to sub-ledger report for this chart.
Query for Provider Payments that were applied to invoices that have not been posted, affecting the total in chart 2020, so these items are in addition to sub-ledger report for this chart.
Query for Commission Payments that were applied to invoices that have not been posted, affecting the total in chart 1512, so these items are in addition to sub-ledger report for this chart.
How do I know if the Invoice Posted?
See the following links:
What other things can affect balancing?
See the following links: