Post Deposit

You can post receipts for bank deposits in two ways:

For either method, you will use the Posting screen to post receipts (on account, to the general ledger, to the gift certificate account, to the layaway plan account, to an open item on the account, or a combination of these). This topic explains using this screen.


After you finish applying all receipts for a bank deposit, the Posting screen closes automatically. If you post receipts for a deposit listed on the Post Deposit screen, GlobalWare gives you the choice of posting more unposted deposits if any still exist.

Accessing the Posting Screen

You can access the Posting screen from two places:

To access the Posting screen for a deposit created earlier:

  1. On the A/R submenu, click Post Deposit.

    If more than one unposted deposit exist, the Post Deposit screen appears.


    • The list is limited to the branches to which the employee has access.

    • If only one unposted deposit exists, the Posting screen appears. For details about this screen, see step 2.

    Each row in the grid represents an unposted bank deposit by displaying the deposit's control number and deposit date.

  2. Double-click the row for the bank deposit that has the receipts you want to post.

    The Posting screen appears with the selected deposit's receipt displayed (or one of the receipts if the deposit has more than one).

Leaving Receipt Amounts on Account

You can leave a receipt amount on the account. If you apply a partial amount on account, GlobalWare automatically posts the remainder amount on account. You cannot post the remainder amount elsewhere. For example, you can apply some of a receipt to an invoice, and then post the rest on account, but you cannot apply some on account, and then post the rest to an invoice.

To leave an amount on the account, on the Posting screen, click On Account.

Immediately after you select this option, GlobalWare posts the payment to the unapplied funds account in the general ledger (typically 2040 for customer or 2045 for provider). This account is specified on the System tab of the System Control screen. See System Tab.

Note: The Invoice # column in the Search Results grid on the Adjust Accounts screen indicates the on-account item as "ONACCOUNT". For details, see Adjust Accounts Overview.

Posting Receipts to Open Invoice Items

You can post a receipt amount to one or more open invoice items. You do not need to post the entire receipt amount to open invoice items. However, you must apply the remainder amount elsewhere (on account, directly to the general ledger, to the gift certificate account, or to the layaway plan account) before continuing to the next receipt.

To post the amount to one or more open items on the account:

  1. On the Posting screen, specify search criteria in the Optional Search Data area. For descriptions of the search criteria fields, see Accessing the Posting Screen above.

    Note: To find all open items for the account, do not specify any search criteria before you click SEARCH.

  2. Click SEARCH.

    The Where to Apply This Item grid appears with matching open items for the account displayed.


    • If you used the Invoice, PNR, Confirmation #, or Pay ID search criteria fields, GlobalWare pre-selects the open items it finds. In addition, GlobalWare presets each Amount field for selected items to the full amount received. You will need to change amounts so that the sum of the amounts does not exceed the amount received.
    • To view invoice detail for a listed item, select the item and press F4. The Invoice Display screen appears. For more information, see Invoice Display Screen.

    Tip: You can increase the size of the Posting screen by dragging an edge or corner to the desired size. This enables you to more efficiently view and work with data in the Where to Apply This Item grid.

  3. If not already selected, double-click the open item to which you want to apply the amount to select it. You can select more than one open item.


    • Double-click a selected item to deselect it.
    • GlobalWare presets each Amount field for selected items to the full amount received. You will need to change amounts so that the sum of the amounts does not exceed the amount received.
    • Items listed in the grid can also include credits available to the account. You can apply them when you apply the receipt. To apply credits, select and add them to the amount to pay. For example, if you are posting a $100 receipt and the account has a $500 charge and a $50 credit available, select the credit and specify 150.00 in the Amount field of the charge. (If you select the credit, but do not increase the amount to pay for the charge, GlobalWare stores a zero-dollar transaction on the unapplied funds account in the general ledger, and the credit will be left open.)
    • After they are applied, credits appear in the general ledger in a Payment Adjustment control, not the Receipts control of the deposit. If you void the cash receipt, the credits are not unapplied. (Only the cash receipt and the items it is applied to are unapplied.)
  4. In the Amount field for each selected open item, specify the amount to apply. Make sure that the sum of all amounts does not exceed the amount received.
  5. To apply amounts to the selected items, click OK.

Adding Adjustments

If a customer underpays an invoice by an insignificant amount, you can write off the amount in the general ledger. For example, if you receive a customer check for an amount that is less than the amount due, you can create an adjustment to write off the rest of the amount.

To create an adjustment from the Posting screen:


    The Miscellaneous Adjustments screen appears.

  2. Specify adjustment information as appropriate. For details, see Adjusting for Overpayments and Underpayments.
  3. When finished with the Miscellaneous Adjustments screen, click SAVE.

    GlobalWare refreshes the Where to Apply This Item grid on the Posting screen with your changes.

    Note: Wait until the grid refreshes before you enter amounts to post.

Adding or Editing Invoice Items

You can edit an existing invoice item or add an invoice item from the Posting screen. For example, if you receive a commission check for a different amount than the amount that is due, you can edit the commission due amount on the invoice item, or you can create a commission-only invoice item.

To create or edit an invoice item from the Posting screen:

  1. In the Where to Apply This Item grid, select the invoice item that you want to edit (or that has the invoice to which you want to add an item).

    The Invoice screen appears with the selected invoice item displayed.

  3. Edit the item as appropriate, or click ADD to create a new invoice item. For details, see Editing an Existing Invoice or Adding a New Invoice Item.
  4. When finished with the Invoice screen, click SAVE.

    GlobalWare refreshes the Where to Apply This Item grid on the Posting screen with your changes.

    Note: Wait until the grid refreshes before you enter amounts to post.

Posting Receipts Directly to the General Ledger

You can post a receipt directly to the general ledger by specifying one or more offset transactions. You do not need to post the entire receipt amount directly to the general ledger. However, you must apply the remainder amount elsewhere (on account, to the gift certificate account, to the layaway plans account, or to an open item on the account) before continuing to the next receipt.

IMPORTANT: Using this option could cause customer statements to be inaccurate.

To post the amount received directly to the general ledger:

  1. On the Posting screen, click GL.

    The Where to Apply This Item grid appears with one offset row automatically provided.

    Tip: You can increase the size of the Posting screen by dragging an edge or corner to the desired size. This enables you to more efficiently view and work with data in the Where to Apply This Item grid.

  2. Change the general ledger chart number, the branch, a comment for the general ledger, references 1, 2, and 3, and the amount to apply as appropriate. In addition, specify a group ID if applicable.

    Note: The amount is usually negative because the bank transaction is positive.

  3. If you need to add another offset transaction, select the first offset transaction row in the grid, press the Down Arrow key (or press Tab or Enter at the end of the first offset transaction row), and make changes as appropriate.
  4. When finished adding and changing rows, click OK.

    GlobalWare posts the receipt directly to the general ledger according to the offset transactions you have set up.

Posting Receipts for Gift Certificates

You can post customer payments as gift certificate purchases. You do not need to post the entire receipt amount to the general ledger account for gift certificates. However, you must apply the remainder amount elsewhere (on account, directly to the general ledger, to the layaway plans account, or to an open item on the account) before continuing to the next receipt.

To post a receipt as a gift certificate purchase:

  1. On the Posting screen, click Gift Certificate.

    An area at the bottom of the Posting screen appears with posting information for the gift certificate payment already populated.

  2. Specify the branch, the amount to apply, and a comment for the general ledger.
  3. Click OK.

    GlobalWare posts the receipt to the general ledger account for gift certificates.

    Note: The Invoice # column in the Search Results grid on the Adjust Accounts screen indicates the gift certificate item as "GIFTCERT". For details, see Adjust Accounts Overview.

Posting Receipts for Layaway Plans

You can post customer payments made for future trips on a layaway basis. You do not need to post the entire receipt amount to the general ledger account for layaway plans. However, you must apply the remainder amount elsewhere (on account, directly to the general ledger, to the gift certificate account, or to an open item on the account) before continuing to the next receipt.

To post a receipt as a layaway plan payment:

  1. On the Posting screen, click Layaway.

    An area at the bottom of the Posting screen appears with posting information for the layaway plan payment already populated.

  2. Specify the branch, the amount to apply, and a comment for the general ledger.
  3. Click OK.

    GlobalWare posts the receipt to the general ledger account for layaway plans.

    Note: The Invoice # column in the Search Results grid on the Adjust Accounts screen indicates the layaway item as "LAYAWAY". For details, see Adjust Accounts Overview.