Adjust Accounts Overview

The Adjust Accounts function enables you to adjust accounts for non-sufficient funds (NSF) checks, overpayment or underpayment of invoices, errors caused by agents, or refusals to pay. If you have an invoice that does not have the correct amount, you should adjust the amount by using the Invoice Edit & Query function. If you make an adjustment to a customer's account ID, you are changing account receivables. If the adjustment is to a provider's account ID, you affect account payables. For more information, see Making Adjustments.

Note: If an invoice does not have the correct amount, you should adjust the amount by using the Invoice Edit & Query function or create an new adjusting invoice (for example, negative commission-only item to adjust the commission due). If you need to adjust off an entire invoice item, create a refund for it.

The Adjust Accounts function also enables you to apply adjustments after you have created them, apply on-account checks and receipts to invoice items, and apply invoice sales items to refunds. See Applying Items. If you apply incorrectly, you can unapply the items. See Unapplying Items.

You can also run a report of an account’s open items. See Adjust Accounts Report.

If a non-invoice item was entered with the wrong account ID, you can move it to the correct one. See Moving an Item.

New or Existing Control

Normally, any action performed in the Adjust Accounts function posts to the existing general ledger control for adjustments if there is one for the posting date you specify. You have the option, however, to start a new control at any time while using the Adjust Accounts function. For example, if there are multiple people working in the Adjust Accounts function on the same day, your agency might want each agent's activity on a separate control.

If you select the Create New Control option, GlobalWare automatically clears the check box after the first posting to the general ledger. This means that all activity within your session will be on the same control, unless you select this option again.

You can select or clear this check box at any time while using the Adjust Accounts function.

Retrieving Open Items

Before you make adjustments, apply them, and so forth, retrieve open items by using search criteria fields on the Adjust Accounts screen, as follow:

  1. On the Accounts submenu, click Adjust Accounts. Alternatively, click the Adjust Accounts () icon on the GlobalWare icon toolbar.

    The Adjust Accounts screen appears.


    • You can move column positions and adjust widths. These column settings are saved.

    • You can increase the size of this screen by dragging an edge or corner to the desired size. This enables you to more efficiently view and work with data in the Search Results grid.

  2. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field Description

    Adjust Date

    Enter the adjustment date. All entries to the general ledger will have this as the post date.


    Select a branch or location group if you want to limit the items to only those for that branch or branches.

    To find and select a branch or location group, click the lookup () button. Only the branches to which the employee has access display. If All is selected, all branches to which the user has access are considered. The Find Branch screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.

    Account ID

    Enter the account ID to adjust.  If you are not sure of the account ID, enter the initial character(s) of either the account ID or its sort name and choose from the drop-down list.

    To find and select an account ID, click the lookup () button. The Find an Account ID screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.

    From / To Invoice #

    Enter a beginning or ending invoice number or both if you want to limit the invoices that appear. All non-invoice items (adjustments, on account receipts, and checks) will be included regardless.

    From / To (for account dates)

    Enter a range of dates when accounts were opened.

    Sort By

    Select the field to sort by: Due Date, Invoice Number, Traveler, Invoice Date, Ticket/Cf #, or Group ID. If you sort by any of these fields, except Due Date, all non-invoice items will display first. The browse grid and the report detail will be sorted by this field.


    Provider account ID. This field is available only if a customer, employee, or vendor account ID is specified in the Account ID field.

    To find and select a provider account ID, click the lookup () button. The Find an Account ID screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.

    Customer ID

    Customer account ID. This field is available only if a provider account ID is specified in the Account ID field.

    To find and select a customer account ID, click the lookup () button. The Find an Account ID screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.

    Settle Type

    Filter the results by settlement type: ARC, direct, invoice, and/or tracking. Press and hold the Ctrl key to select multiple options.

    Rev Type

    Filter the results by revenue type. Press and hold the Ctrl key to select multiple options.


    Filter the results by form of payment. Press and hold the Ctrl key to select multiple options.

    Group ID

    Filter results by group ID.

  3. Click SEARCH.

    The Search Results grid displays open items for the account ID you specified. Items that have been selected for check processing appear because they are open, but are not available to apply or move. These are indicated by being highlighted in green.

    All ONACCOUNT, GIFTCERT, and LAYAWAY items are included in the display.

    Note: The Amount Due column (AMT Due) can be chosen as a sort column; however, it may not sort correctly because it is a calculated field.

Displaying Invoice or Payment Detail for Listed Open Items

You can display more detail for items listed in the Search Results grid on the Adjust Accounts screen. The Invoice # field indicates invoices with invoice numbers (for example, 000202003) and payments with "ONACCOUNT".