Groups Management

Within Content Optimizer, you can create two types of groups: PCC and Location.

  • PCC Groups: If a group of Subscriber IDs (SIDs) and/or Apollo/Galileo Pseudo City Codes (PCCs) are used often to create a rule, you can create a PCC grouping to speed rule creation. PCC groups are tied to a user. Another user could see a grouping name if that user has access to every PCC within the grouping.
    Click the Groups tab then choose PCC Groups.

  • Location Groups: These groups are customized lists that can be made up of a variety of location types and used as the From and/or To Geography of one or more Content Optimizer rules. A Location Group can be made up of airports, cities, nations, zones, and/or areas.
    Click the Groups tab then choose Location Groups.

  • Channel IDs: These IDs can be used as a more granular method of associating specific Travelport entries with a specific set of Content Optimizer rules.
    Click the Groups tab then choose Channel IDs.