Manage Channel IDs

Channel IDs can be used as a more granular method of associating specific Travelport entries with a specific set of Content Optimizer rules. To associate entries with a set of rules, include the same four-character Channel ID in a Fare Search/Shopping, Fare Quote/Pricing, or Fare Display entry that is also associated with one or more Content Optimizer rules.

Click the Groups tab then choose Channel IDs. From this page, you can create, update, delete, and sort Channel IDs.

Add a Channel ID

  1. On the Channel ID List page, click the New Channel ID button to add a new Channel ID.

  2. Enter a unique, four alpha-numeric Channel ID and a description (5-50 characters). Both fields are mandatory. Any lowercase alpha characters entered for the Channel ID are automatically changed to uppercase.

  3. Click the Save button.

This Channel ID can now be used when creating rules.

Update a Channel ID Description

  1. On the Channel ID List page, click on the Edit button associated with the Channel ID you wish to update.

  2. Modify the Channel ID Description as needed.

  3. Click the Save button.

Delete a Channel ID

  1. On the Active Channel ID List page, click on the Delete button associated with the Channel ID you wish to delete.

  2. Verify that you wish to delete the selected Channel ID. When a Channel ID is deleted, it is removed from any Content Optimizer rules where it is present. If the deleted Channel ID is the only Channel ID in a rule, then the rule is also deleted.

  3. Click the Delete button.

Deleted Channel IDs are not removed from discontinued Content Optimizer rules. Deleted Channel IDs can still be viewed on the Channel IDs page.

Sort Channel IDs

Sort the Channel ID list by clicking a column header's up or down arrows to reorder the list based on that column's information. Columns are sorted alphabetically except for the Updated column, which is sorted numerically. Click on the column header again to reverse the sort order.

Filter the Channel IDs

You can filter Channel IDs with the Filters drop-down list and secondary filter by text box. You can then sort the Channel ID results using the sort arrows in each column header.

  • Channel ID filter - As each Channel ID is unique, each item in this drop down represents an individual Channel ID record. This filter feature can be used to quickly navigate to a Channel ID that is not shown on the first page of the list. IDs are shown in descending chronological order. To close the filter, click the Close button next to the filter description
  • Description filter - Lists all unique Channel ID descriptions. Select an item to display a list of all the Channel IDs with that description. Channel IDs are shown in descending chronological order. To close the filter, click the Close button next to the filter description.
  • Status filter - Sorts all Channel IDs based on whether Active or Deleted. Channel IDs are shown in descending chronological order. To close the filter, click the Close button next to the filter description.
  • Updated By filter - Lists all unique user IDs that have created or modified Channel IDs. Enter an email address to display a list of all the Channel IDs with the selected user ID. Channel IDs are shown in descending chronological order. To close the filter, click the Close button next to the filter description.
  • Updated on date/range filter - Lists all of the unique dates that a Channel ID was created or modified. Enter a specific date, or a beginning date and end date range, to display a list of all the Channel IDs that share the selected date. Click the Add button to add an additional date or date range. Items are shown in descending chronological order. To close the filter, click the Close button next to the filter description.

Channel ID Usage

One or more Channel ID’s can be added to a rule. The Channel ID is optional. When a Channel ID modifier is included in a Shopping, Fare Quote/Pricing, or Fare Display entry, it can be matched with one or more Content Optimizer rules that have the same Channel ID.

Host Channel ID Modifier Format



The pipe | is the initial delimiter. Use a / if the Channel ID is not the first modifier.

Exception: There is no delimiter for Ticketing entries.





Exception: Ticketing is  |CI-XXXX

Note: Smartpoint users should use the ‘+’ character rather than the ‘|’ character.