Customer Statements

GlobalWare customer statements provide billing statements to business customers. Statements show the activity of individual accounts, where and how often they travel, and how much they owe.

Statements include balance forward information (the primary difference between this report and billing notices). After you run statements and send them to clients, you close the statements, which updates the balance forward for the next statement.

Statements are generated for business customer accounts only.

Statements can be customized:

Running the Statements

To run the statements:

  1. On the Corporate submenu, click Customer Statements.

    The Customer Statements dialog box appears.

  2. Complete the fields as appropriate.

    Note: The Cutoff Date field is required.

  3. Click PRINT.

    The Send to dialog box appears. Select a report destination. For more information, see Printing Overview.

Statement Example

Note: Branch: All* in the report header indicates that the user does not have access to all agency branches and that this report considers only those branches to which they have access.

Customer statement example

Customer Statement Information

Statements consist of three sections:

A statement does not print if the account balance is zero or less and Print If Zero or Less is not selected in customer's Report Options, which you can access on the Edit Customer screen. You can also use the Report Options screen to customize statements by selecting which sections of the statement should print (Current Activity, Open Item Recap, or both), selecting whether to include plastic items, and choosing the primary and secondary sorts for the Current Activity section.

Backdating Statements

You should review statements carefully if you backdate. If the statement cutoff date occurs between two transactions on the same account, the sections of the statement might be out of balance.

For example, a ticket was issued for $500 on 1/30, the receipt for $500 entered and applied on 2/2, and the statements printed as of 1/31. The ticket displays in the Current Activity and the Current Activity total is $500 (includes the ticket amount but not the receipt). The Open Item Recap shows 0.00 for the balance, because the customer due - customer received = 0 on the ticket.

Closing Statements

Select Close Statements only after you have printed the statement for the final time and mailed it to your customer. (Some agencies even wait until the client has reviewed and confirmed the accuracy of the statement, before closing).

You cannot close statements if there are unposted deposits.

When you close statements, the previously billed flags are set to Yes for all items that appeared on the statement. This excludes them from the current activity section the next time you run the statement. Also, the following customer information is updated (this information can be viewed in the customer's Report Options, which you can access on the Edit Customer screen):