Report Options (for Customer Accounts

The Report Options screen for customer accounts enables you to add information for customizing AR statements. To access the Report Options screen, click the Report Options link at the bottom left of the Edit Customer screen.

Additional Comments

You can add up to four lines of free-form data to the account.

You can also enter comments for providers and vendors (for example, the provider’s website, whether a 1099 is required, or Federal ID number).

This information is for your use only; it is not included on statements or any other reports.

Customer Statements

GlobalWare prints consolidated statements for customer accounts, which can be broken down by department, cost center, and so forth. You have the option of including current activity, an open item recap, or both formats on statements. Current Activity shows only those transactions since the last statement and the balance brought forward. The open item recap shows all outstanding transactions. If you choose both, all previous and current transactions print with the balance brought forward. You also have the option of including a summary of aging receivables for the account on statements.

Statements can be generated for business accounts only.

Credit Limit

You can establish a credit limit for the account. This is used for the Credit Limit Report.

Finance Charges/Discounts

If you want to charge the account for late payments, or extend a discount, you can set up the account to have these calculated and generated automatically.

Finance charges and discounts can be generated for business accounts only.

Field Descriptions

Field Name Description

Last Stmt Bal

Balance as of the last statement. This field is updated when Close Statements is selected when the Customer Statements are run.

Last Stmt Date

Date of the last statement. This field is updated when Close Statements is selected when the Customer Statements are run.

Fin Chg Applied

Finance charge applied (Y or N). This field is updated when Close Statements is selected when the Customer Statements are run.

Discount Applied

Discount applied (Y or N). This field is updated when Close Statements is selected when the Customer Statements are run.

Credit Limit

Select this option if customer has credit limit.

Note: For accounts that cannot charge (plastic only), Select this option and leave the credit limit amount zero.

Credit Limit Amount (not labeled)

After you click the credit limit option, a box displays for the credit limit amount. Enter the maximum amount the account can charge.

Fin Chrg Percent

Percent of finance charge for past due balances. This is used to calculate Finance Charges.

GL Branch

General ledger branch where finance charge will post.

Fin Chrg Grace Pd

Number of days allowed as a grace period before finance charges will be applied.

Discount Percent

Percent of discount on total charges for account. This is used to calculate Discounts.

GL Branch

General ledger branch where discount will post.

Disable Reports

When selected, all options are inactive but the underlying settings remain for this customer. You can disable a customer account when that customer is no longer active or when you are not sending them reports (e.g., customer statements or billing notices). When a customer account is disabled, the account is not included in printed documents.

Include Plastic Items (FOP=P) on Statements

Option to include Plastic items (Form of Payment P) on the statement. Plastic items will print a charge and a payment on the statement.

Current/Open Items/Both

Option to include only the Current Activity section (those transactions since the last statement [C]), the Open Recap Items section (all outstanding transactions [O]), or both sections (B).

Summ at Beg/End/Not

Print summary at beginning of statement (B), end of statement (E), or do not print the summary.

Aging Period

Number of days account’s transactions can be outstanding before they become past due.

Remit To or Text Code

The code for the remit to address or text you want to print on the account’s statements. Click EDIT CODES to add a code, a comment or an address. Generally, you enter an address when you are not using pre-printed forms. The text or address prints at the top of the statement.

Primary Sort for Detail

First-level sort order for the Current Activity section of the customer statement. The following fields are available from the drop-down list: TransDate, TransType, Sort1, Sort2, Sort3, and Sort4.

Pg Brk (for primary sort)

Breaks the page for each time the primary sort changes.

Secondary Sort for Detail

Second-level sort order for the Current Activity section of the customer statement. The following fields are available from the drop-down list: TransDate, TransType, Sort1, Sort2, Sort3, and Sort4. You can also select None.

Pg Brk (for secondary sort)

Breaks the page for each time the secondary sort changes.

Print Agency Message

Select this option if you want to print additional comments at the bottom of the statement. These comments are entered in System Control.

Include Open Aging

Select this option to include the aging on the customer statement.

Original Tkt# on Exchange

Select this option to include the original ticket number with an exchange.

Prt if Zero or Less

Select this option to print a statement for the customer even if the last statement balance is zero or less. If not selected, statements with a balance of zero or less do not print.

Suppress Zero

Select this option if you do not want to print statements that have zero balance. Print if Zero or Less must be selected before this option is available.

Include Sort Field 1, 2, 3, 4

Click to include sort fields, which are department numbers, cost center, job number, and so forth, that you enter on the client invoice.

Prt if Activity

This option is only available if the Prt if Zero or Less option is selected. Select Prt if Activity to print statements where the balance is zero or less and when there is account activity for the period.

Prt if Zero or Less (selected)
Prt if Activity (not selected)

Prints a statement for every account.

Prt if Zero or Less (not selected)
Prt if Activity (not selected

Prints a statement for every account with a positive balance.

Prt if Zero or Less (not selected)
Prt if Activity (selected)

Prints a statement for every account with a positive balance; also prints statements with a zero or negative balance if they have current activity.