Interests Overview

An Interest is a special category that can be added to any customer account. It offers the ability to track the specific interests of your customers. Adding an interest to a group of accounts enables easy access to those records in the query. By adding the interests to your accounts, you can then generate mailings to specifically target a certain group of clients. This marketing technique permits you to more efficiently address the particular wants and needs of your clients.

For example, if you have several customers who have booked ski trips with you in the past or have expressed their desire to ski, you might give them SKI as an interest. Thus, when you have any ski specials, you would easily be able to send out a mailing to those customers. The Interest category can greatly help your marketing ability.

You can also use interests to group accounts that you run the same reports for. You can run certain reports for only those accounts with a specific interest by entering @ followed by the interest code in the report's Account ID criterion field.

Reports you can run by interest include: