Duplicate Invoice Review

The Duplicate Invoice Review function identifies all invoice items that are potential duplicates based on specified search criteria. Using this information, you can determine which of them are actual duplicates, and then void or delete the duplicates. You can also print the Duplicate Invoice Review report.

By default, GlobalWare determines invoice items as possible duplicates if they match on any of the following criteria: traveler name, settlement type, travel type, document type, departure date, total cost or booked gross amount, account ID, accounts payable due date, base fare or booking rate, booking date, and credit card approval code. However, you can customize the criteria GlobalWare uses to search for duplicates.

Reviewing, voiding, and deleting duplicate invoices

To perform the review, and then void or delete duplicate invoice items:

  1. On the Invoice submenu, click Duplicate Invoice Review.

    The Duplicate Invoice Review screen appears.

    The top area of the screen displays search criteria fields you can use to query for possible duplicate invoice items. After you provide search criteria and click SEARCH, invoice items that match the search criteria appear in the Search Results grid.

    Tip: You can increase the size of this screen by dragging an edge or corner to the desired size. This enables you to more efficiently view and work with data in the Search Results grid.

  2. Provide the appropriate search criteria in the top area of the screen and click SEARCH.

    Note: The date fields for Dates are required.

    GlobalWare displays possible duplicate invoices in the Search Results grid.

  3. Use the Search Results grid to do any of the following:

    • To view detail for a listed invoice item, select the item and press F4. The Invoice Display screen appears. For more information, see Invoice Display Screen.

    • To mark an invoice item to be voided or deleted, type V to void or D to delete in the V/D grid column. For a commission tracking item, you can type X for canceled or N for no show.
    • To have GlobalWare automatically mark all items listed in the Search Results grid that qualify to be voided or deleted, select either the Void or Delete option, and then click SELECT ALL. The following rules determine whether items qualify to be marked:
      • For items that are unposted, unpaid, and in an open ARC period (if it is ARC), all except the one with the highest pay ID number (which is the most recently stored item) will be marked to be voided or deleted.
      • Items that are posted, paid, or in a closed ARC period (if it is ARC) are not marked.

      Note: You can void or delete items only if they have not been posted to the general ledger and have not had checks or receipts applied to them. If they have been posted or applied, you must use the Invoice function to void or delete them. For more information, see Voiding and Deleting Invoice Items.

    • To unmark an item so that it will not be voided or deleted, type O (for Open) in the V/D grid column.
    • To print the Duplicate Invoice Review report, choose one of the following print options:
      • To print the report immediately, click PRINT.

        The Send to dialog box appears. Select a report destination. For more information, see Printing Overview.

      • To store the report as part of a batch for printing later, click BATCH.

        The Choose a Batch dialog box appears. For more information, see Batch Printing.

      Note: All items that appear in the Search Results grid, including those marked to be voided or deleted, appear on the report. If you do not want the marked items to appear on the report, click OK to void or delete the marked invoice items, and then search for duplicate invoices again.

  4. To apply all changes made in the V/D grid column (if any), click OK.

    Note: To close the Duplicate Invoice Review screen without applying changes, click the exit () icon or press Alt+X.

Report example

Duplicate Invoice Review report example