Adding a New Invoice Item

There are two places from which you are able to enter a new invoice in GlobalWare.

  1. To enter a new invoice item:

    • On the Invoice Edit & Query screen, click the Add link.

      The Add an Invoice dialog box appears.

      Either enter a new invoice number or accept the default, and then click OK.

    • While viewing an existing invoice item on the Invoice screen, click ADD.

      The Add Invoice dialog box appears.

    The following table describes the fields on the Add Invoice dialog box.

    Field Description

    Invoice Date

    If you want the new item or items to have a specific invoice date, enter it in this field. This date is used for accounts receivable and accounts payable due dates as well. If you blank it out (by using the Spacebar key), the dates from the currently selected invoice item are used.

    Invoice #

    If you want the new item or items to have a specific invoice number, enter it in this field. If you leave this blank, the next available system invoice number is used.

    Copy Comment Lines

    Check this box if you are adding a new item to this invoice, or if you are cloning an existing item, and you want to copy the comment lines from the currently displayed invoice item. This check box is selected by default.

    Note: Comment lines cannot be copied by pressing F10.

    Add New Item to This Invoice

    Select this to add an item to the currently displayed invoice (same general ledger branch and invoice number). This copies much of the data from the currently displayed invoice item; other data can be copied by pressing F10.

    Add a Whole New Invoice

    Select this to add an item with a new invoice number. This copies much of the data from the currently displayed invoice item; other data can be copied by pressing F10.

    Clone This Item to This Invoice

    Select this to add an item that is a copy of the currently displayed invoice item, giving the copy the same invoice number as the one being copied. The Invoice screen lists and displays the new cloned item.

    Clone This Item to a New Invoice

    Select this to add an item that is a copy of the currently displayed invoice item, giving the copy a new invoice number.

    Clone All Items to a New Invoice

    Select this to copy all items in the currently displayed invoice with a new invoice number.

    Add a Spoiled Ticket

    Select this to generate a spoiled ticket. See Spoiling a Ticket.

  2. Enter or edit all the necessary information in the available data entry fields.

    • To populate a field on the new invoice with information from the old invoice, press F10.
    • For information about fields on the Invoice screen, see Using the Invoice Screen.
    • To add, edit, or remove comments, click COMMENTS on the Invoice screen. For more information, see Comments Screen.
    • To add, edit, or delete segments for air and rail items, click the Segments link on the Invoice screen. For more information, see Segments Screen.
  3. After entering all the information on the invoice, click SAVE. You should always save the current invoice item before adding a new one.