Comments Screen

The Comments screen enables you to add comments to individual invoice items. You can also edit and delete them. After adding or changing comments for an invoice item, you can use the REPLACE COMMENTS button to apply the comments to other invoice items. You can use the DELETE COMMENTS button to delete selected comments from multiple invoice items.

The Comments screen appears when you click the COMMENTS button on the Invoice screen. See Using the Invoice Screen.

Tip: You can increase the size of this screen by dragging an edge or corner to the desired size. This enables you to more efficiently view and work with data in the grid.

Adding comments to an invoice item

To add a comment to an invoice item:

  1. Perform one of the following actions on the Comments screen:

    • If the grid does not list any comments, GlobalWare provides a blank row to add a comment. Specify a line number in the Num field and comment text in the Data field.
    • If the grid lists comments, with the last row in the grid selected, press the Down Arrow key to add a new row. Specify a line number in the Num field and comment text in the Data field.
  2. Click the exit () icon on the Comments screen.

    A message appears, asking you to confirm saving changes.

  3. Click Yes.

    GlobalWare saves the comment.

Editing comments associated with an invoice item

To edit a comment associated with an invoice item:

  1. In the grid on the Comments screen, select the row to edit.
  2. Change the line number in the Num field and/or the comment text in the Data field, as appropriate.
  3. Click the exit () icon on the Comments screen.

    A message appears, asking you to confirm saving changes.

  4. Click Yes.

    GlobalWare saves the changes.

Deleting comments from an invoice item

To delete a comment from an invoice item:

  1. In the grid on the Comments screen, select the row to delete.
  2. Press Ctrl+Delete.

    A message appears, asking you to confirm deleting the comment.

  3. Click Yes.

    GlobalWare deletes the comment row from the grid.

  4. Click the exit () icon to close the Comments screen.

Reserved (pre-defined) comment line numbers

The following table lists comments line numbers reserved by GlobalWare for specific data.

Line Number Description


Check number for form of payment C transactions.


Market code.


Car or hotel room type.


Non-air frequent flyer number.


Non-air frequent flyer miles.

106 – 110

Delivery address.


ETDN vendor.


TCN number.


IT number (tour code).


Reserved for future use.


Apollo invoice number (for a subsequent payment stored with the original deposit).


On the original ticket, the ticket number it has been exchanged for.


Record sequence number.


Hotel rate type.


Corporate ID number (for a car segment).


Reserved for future use.