Air Merchandising Offer Availability Overview

Merchandising Offer Availability queries the supplier (air carrier) to determine if Optional Services are available and applicable for selected air segments. Because Air Merchandising Offer Availability can be different for each supplier, topics pertaining to Offer Availability are organized as follows:

Topic Description

Air Merchandising Offer Availability

This topic provides an overview of Air Merchandising Offer Availability that is applicable to any supplier.

  • The Request section details the minimum data required for a successful response.
  • The Response section explains the common data that is returned in a response. It also contains Errors and Warnings that may be returned generally, and also by supplier.

When appropriate, supplier information may also be included.

Air Merchandising Offer Availability for API Carriers

This topic provides details and differences for using Air Merchandising Offer Availability for Low Cost and API Carriers, such as Delta Airlines. It should be used in conjunction with the general Air Merchandising Offer Availability topic.

Air Merchandising Offer Availability for ATPCO Carriers

This topic provides details and differences for using Air Merchandising Offer Availability for carriers that file Optional Services via ATPCO, such as KLM. It should be used in conjunction with the general Air Merchandising Offer Availability topic.