Air Merchandising Offer Availability for Low Cost and API Carriers

Optional Services can be searched for both pre- and post-booking segments. The frequent flyer and IATA, if available, are used to get the correct price for an optional service.

Only easyJet on Airline Content Hub (ACH) supports post-book modifications. Before Optional Services can be added post book, a Universal Record (UR) must exist. If a UR exists, Universal API validates that the carrier supports modification of booking, post book.


Located in AirReqRsp.xsd:


  1. Follow the process to send an Air Merchandising Offer Availability request.
  2. Note: The Point of Sale for United Airlines must be US.

  3. Include HostReservation if available. If multiple HostReservation attributes are sent in the request, only one Universal Record must exist.
  4. Note: ACH carriers that support post-book modification require HostReservation.

  5. Enter loyalty card and currency information, as necessary.


The Air Merchandising Offer Availability response returns optional services including additional details within each optional service:

In OptionalServices/OptionalService/ServiceData, each seat Optional Service is associated with a single booking traveler. This creates one optional service for every booking traveler reference that includes the BookingTravelerRef and AirSegmentRef in one ServiceData element.

Note: When an Air Merchandising Offer Availability request is sent with HostReservation, Universal API returns a non-paid or paid seat Optional Service that was sold previously with OptionalService @ServiceStatus="Fulfilled" in Air v28.0 and greater.

Errors and Warnings

  • If the LCC does not support modify, then the following error is returned to the client:
  • Carrier XX does not support changing optional services after the booking. (Where XX is the carrier code).

    United Airlines

    An error is returned from ACH and passed in the Universal API response if the point of sale is anything other than US.

    <Error Type="895" ShortText="Access to this adapter is restricted to point of sale locations in US" NodeList="//POS/Source/@ISOCountry">Requestor of the service is unauthorized for the requested adapter</Error>