Accounting Remarks

Accounting Remarks are optional remarks that are added to the PNR and typically used by an agency's back office system in some way. The remarks can include ticket numbers, customer or account numbers, fares offered to the customer but refused, and canned remarks that document fare rules.

Note: Accounting Remarks can be added for the Galileo (1G) and Apollo (1V) providers.

Accounting Remarks are supported in:


Include one or more AccountingRemark element in the Create Reservation request to add an accounting remark to a reservation.

Include TypeInGds to define the type of accounting remark. Any accounting remark type that does not have a specific TypeInGds should be sent as TypeInGds="Other", and a Category should be included. See the Exceptions section for a list of valid entries for TypeInGds and Categories for each Host.

Use BookingTravelerRef to link an accounting remark to a specific traveler.

Set @UseProviderNativeMode="true" to add Accounting Remarks which are not feasible through regular channels to Galileo (1G) and Apollo (1V).

Adding, Updating, and Deleting Accounting Remarks

Accounting Remarks can be added, updated, and deleted using UniversalRecordModifyReq/UniversalModifyCmd and:

Multiple Accounting Remarks can be added and updated in one request. To delete multiple remarks, send multiple UniversalModifyCmd elements in the request.

Encode/Decode for Accounting Remark Type Codes

Reference Data is available for Accounting Remark Type codes. To obtain the Type code values, send ReferenceDataRetrieveReq TypeCode="AccountingRemarkType".


The accounting remark is returned in the response:

The Category in AccountingRemark is sent in the request as a 2- to 3-character alpha field, but it returns in the response as a 4-character numeric. See the Exceptions section for a list of categories and codes for the Host.

When a Universal Record request is submitted, if a change in Accounting Remark is detected, the change is stored in the UR History.
