Divider Card Remarks

Important! Only Worldspan supports divider card remarks.

Divider Card Remarks create freeform remarks which print on a divider card. Divider card remarks are another type of accounting remark, and name association is possible, although segment selection is not.

Divider Card Remarks are supported in:


Include one or more AccountingRemark/TypeInGds="DividerCard" in the Create Reservation request to add a divider card remark to a reservation.

Name association is not a requirement, but a Divider Card remark can be associated with a specific passenger using BookingTravelerRef. If an invalid BookingTravelerRef is provided, a warning is returned: "Invalid BookingTravelerRef provided for Divider Card Remark".

Up to 40 characters are allowed in a Divider Card remark. If the entry exceeds the limit, a warning is returned: "Divider Card Remark can be maximum 40 characters for the requested Provider and this Divider Card Remark is not applied".

Adding, Updating, and Deleting Divider Card Remarks

Divider Card Remarks can be added, updated, and deleted using UniversalRecordModifyReq/UniversalModifyCmd and:

Multiple Accounting Remarks can be added and updated in one request. To delete multiple remarks, send multiple UniversalModifyCmd elements in the request.


The divider card accounting remark is returned in the response:

When a Universal Record request is submitted, if a change in Accounting Remark is detected, the change is stored in the UR History.

Errors & Warnings



Galileo does not support divider card remarks. If a divider card remark is included in the request, a warning is returned: "Provider does not support AccountingRemark with TypeInGds=DividerCard".


Apollo does not support divider card remarks. If a divider card remark is included in the request, a warning is returned: "Provider does not support AccountingRemark with TypeInGds=DividerCard".