Creating Saved Trips

Saving trips stores key itinerary data elements that help the client quickly complete the booking process at a later time based on the previously saved itinerary items.

Note: Saved trip elements are not stored in history. Saved trip information is stored at the Universal Record level and does not interact with any providers.


Located in Universal.xsd:

How To

Itinerary data for a trip can be saved using SavedTripCreateReq in UniversalRecord.

  1. Included the required information in the SavedTripCreateReq.
    • TargetBranch attribute
    • SavedTrip@Name is the name of the saved trip. This value is used for follow-on requests, such as modify and retrieve.
    • SavedTrip@Status
    • SavedTrip/BookingTraveler contains information about the traveler.
  2. Optional data may also be included.
    • Itinerary-level notes can be added using the following elements within SavedTrip: AirTripNote, VehicleTripNote, HotelTripNote, and RailTripNote. Each note has a Text attribute that is used for the note.
  3. The SavedTripCreateRsp contains the saved trip data.
    • If TargetBranch is not provided in the request, SavedTrip/AgencyInfo/AgentAction/BranchCode has the value of the ControlBranch ProfileId.