OB Fees
OB fees, also known as Carrier Ticketing Fees, are defined by IATA as the industry standard for ticketing and for the application of credit card fees. 'O' indicates fees are 'Off ticket' fees and are therefore not actually shown on the ticket. Ticket fees are used by airlines to instruct pricing systems how to collect ticketing (OB T type fees) and/or credit card fees (OB F type fees) on an airline's behalf when they are the validating carrier. Ticket fees can only be imposed and/or collected by the validating/plating carrier. These fees are used by the airline to cover the costs of accepting payment by credit card. The ticket fee is reported as tax code OB by IATA assignment.
OB F Fees
OB F fees are dependent on the form of payment provided in Low Fare Shopping, Air Pricing, and Air Booking. OB F fees can be broken down into credit card fees and debit card fees and are dependent upon how the carrier files the fee.
Credit Card Fees | Debit Card Fees |
FCA: Any credit card |
FDA: Any debit card |
FC1: Credit card numbers starting with "1" |
FD1: Debit card numbers starting with "1" |
FC3: Credit card numbers starting with "3" |
FD3: Debit card numbers starting with "3" |
FC4: Credit card numbers starting with "4" |
FD4: Debit card numbers starting with "4" |
FC5: Credit card numbers starting with "5" |
FD5: Debit card numbers starting with "5" |
FC6: Credit card numbers starting with "6" |
FD6: Debit card numbers starting with "6" |
If the carrier wants the same fee to apply to all credit card flavors, the carrier will file the sub-code FCA. If a carrier wants to file different fees for the different types of credit cards, the carrier will use the sub-codes that includes the first number of the credit or debit card (FC4, FC5, etc.). We will only return one fee with the same sub-code, but can return multiple sub-codes (for example, FCA, FC1, FC2, FC3, FC4, FC5, FC6, FD1, FD2, FD3, FD4, FD5, FD6, and FDA can technically all be returned as separate fees) when no form of payment type is specified. When a Form of Payment type is specified (e.g., credit), we will only return the fees applicable to that type (FCA or FC1, for example). If the carrier files both an FCA and an FC4 (for example), we will return both fees because they have different sub-codes. Airlines would file in this manner if they want to charge for both sub-codes; it is an unusual filing, but it can happen.
OB T Fees
OB T fees are ticketing fees independent of the form of payment chosen. Ticketing fees can be based on any of the following criteria: travel dates, ticket issue date, ticketing channel, journey locations, account code, ticket designator, passenger type, and fare basis/fare basis owner.
OB T fees are not related to the form of payment. T type (T01, T02, T03, etc.) are ticketing fees. These fees are defined by the carrier, and can be based on point of sale, cities on the itinerary, account codes, and various other criteria. If the scenario matches the coded data for a OB "T" type fee, the fee will be charged regardless of the form of payment.
OB Fees in Air Book
The OB fees for a Universal Record are returned after the Universal Record is ticketed with a credit card or debit card form of payment.
- OB fees are identified in UniversalRecord/AirReservation/FeeInfo @Code="OB".
- The booking traveler associated with the OB fee is identified by FeeInfo @BookingTravelerRef.
- If the OB fees contain taxes, the AirReservation/FeeInfo/TaxInfoRef @Key identifies the applicable AirReservation/TaxInfo element associated with the OB fees.
All OB fees are associated at the itinerary level; they are not returned per passenger.
Important: OB fees are charged after ticketing. Therefore, the AirReservation/Payment @Amount value does not include OB fees. The OB fees listed in FeeInfo (when FeeInfo@Code="OB") is a separate charge made by the provider following ticketing.

Apollo does not support @CheckOBFees and always returns OB Fees as a tax, regardless of any value that might be sent in CheckOBFees and/or FormOfPayment. In both Air Pricing and Air Booking, the following is returned and the fee, as a tax, is added in to the total price:
<air:TaxInfo Category="OB" Amount="CAD23.50" Key="QjtNltgSRk2HgLDDCEKspg=="/>
OB Fees in Air Pricing and Low Fare Shopping Changes
The implementation of Form of Payment and Ticketing fees (OB Fees) in the Low Fare Search and Air Price transactions:
- The CheckOBFees attribute changed from a Boolean to a string with values that can be used to return only Ticketing fees, only Form of Payment fees, all fees, or no fees.
- The CheckOBFees attribute was added to the Low Fare Search requests.
Important: To access 1G OB Fees through LowFareSearch, please contact your Travelport representative.
@CheckOBFees is a string. Possible values include:
All: Returns ticketing fees and all form of payment fees (OB types T and F). Supported for 1G, 1P. ACH functionality will be added in the future for LowFareSearch only.
TicketingOnly: Returns only ticketing fees (OB type T). Supported for 1G, 1P. ACH functionality will be added in the future for LowFareSearch only.
- FOPOnly: Returns all form of payment fees (OB type F) whether the request includes a form of payment or not. Supported for 1G only.
None: Returns no fees. Supported for 1G, 1P. ACH functionality will be added in the future for LowFareSearch only.
CheckOBFees values vary by provider. These values and defaults apply to both AirPrice and LowFareSearch requests.
- Galileo (1G): Supports all values; default is TicketingOnly. Fees are returned at the itinerary level.
- Apollo (1V): Does not support CheckOBFees. Fees are returned as a tax.
- Worldspan (1P): Both providers support TicketingOnly, All, and None; default is TicketingOnly. Fees are returned at the itinerary level.
- ACH: Not supported at this time. Fees may be returned either the itinerary or passenger level.
OB "F" type fee implementation changed as follows:
- The number of OB "F" type fees returned depends on the information passed in to the FormOfPayment element in combination with CheckOBFees="All" or CheckOBFees="FOPOnly".
- When OB "F" type fees are requested, they are included in the calculation of AirPriceRsp/AirPricingSolution @TotalPrice via the @Fee and @ApproximateFees attributes.
The fees returned and their placement in the response depend on whether form of payment information is sent in the request (via AirPriceReq/FormOfPayment or LowFareSearch/FormOfPayment) and, if included, what form of payment was sent.
- For 1G, fees are returned at the itinerary level.
- For 1V, the fees are returned as a tax at the itinerary level (AirPriceResult/AirPricingSolution/TaxInfo).
- For 1P, fees are returned at the itinerary level (AirPriceResult/AirPricingSolution/FeeInfo).
- For ACH, fees may be returned at either the itinerary level (AirPriceResult/AirPricingSolution/FeeInfo) or passenger level (AirPricingSolution or AirPricePoint/AirPricingInfo/FeeInfo).
Refer to DA 646 for sample requests and responses. Log into MyTravelport, then enter search DA 646 form of payment and ticketing ob fee changes. You may need to restrict the search to Product/Developer advisories and click Search again.
Exempting OB Fees on Galileo
Important: Exemption of OB Fees is not supported in 1V, 1P.
Some airlines exempt their corporate customers from paying OB fees. These exempt corporations are identified to Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) and the airlines by a tour code that is entered at the time of booking.
In Universal.xsd, an ExemptOBFees element was added to support OB fee exemption when using Galileo (1G) only.
- For a Universal Record Modify request (Add and Update), each request that contains ticketing modifiers overwrites the entire list of modifiers stored with that fare.
- To delete the OB fee exemption, submit all existing modifiers and omit the modifier that is no longer needed.
If @ExemptOBFee is present without @SubCode, then all fees are exempt.
The ExemptOBFees element is available in:
- AirCreateReservationRsp/UniversalRecord/AirReservation/TicketingModifiers
- AirCreateReservationReq/AirPricingTicketingModifiers
- UniversalRecordModifyReq/UniversalModifyCmd/AirAdd and AirUpdate/AirPricingTicketingModifiers
- UniversalRecordModifyRsp/UniversalRecord/AirReservation/TicketingModifiers
- UniversalRecordModifyRsp/UniversalRecord/AirReservation/TicketingModifiers
- UniversalRecordImportRsp/UniversalRecord/AirReservation/TicketingModifiers
- UniversalRecordRetrieveRsp/UniversalRecord/AirReservation/TicketingModifiers
UniversalRecordModifyRsp displays the exempt OB fees if the update was successful. If the updates was not successful, an error message is returned as a warning in the response.

Errors are returned in UniversalRecordModifyRsp/ResponseMessage with @Type = Warning.
If the modifier contains duplicate Carrier Ticketing Fee OB Fee sub-codes:
If an invalid Carrier Ticketing Fee OB Fee sub-code exemption is requested, when OB Fees are present:
When more than 8 sub-codes are entered:
OB fee exemptions are returned when retrieving a Universal Record through an import or retrieve response.