Low Fare Shopping Air Price Modifiers
Pricing modifiers are added to a Low Fare Shopping request to modify the fare parameters. To modify search parameters, refer to Low Fare Shopping Search Modifiers. To compare prices for similar itineraries, refer to Flexible Shopping modifiers.
Most pricing modifiers are specified in two locations:
LowFareSearchReq/AirPricingModifiers apply modifiers to the itinerary level.
LowFareSearchReq/SearchAirLeg/AirLegModifiers apply modifiers to an air leg level.
Use these pricing modifiers return the fares and options you want:
Modifier |
Description |
Performs a currency conversion to return fare information in a non-default currency. Include LowFareSearchReq/AirPricingModifiers @CurrencyType. Code snippet <AirPricingModifiers @CurrencyType="AUD"> ![]() If an alternate currency is specified in the request, the conversion request is not passed to the provider. The conversion is performed by Universal API using Bank Selling Rates (BSR). (BBR and ROE rates are not supported.) Rounding is not currently supported, as various data sources use different methods for rounding. See Currency for more information about currency conversion in Universal API. The default currency may vary depending on the provider, supplier, and traveler's profile. The default currency may be either:
If no currency is included at any level in the profile, the default currency may be either:
ResponseEach AirPricingSolution contains attributes for both the default currency and an alternate currency.
If an alternate currency is included in the request, the response estimated amounts based on the available currency conversion:
One or more AirPricingInfo child elements contain pricing information specific to each traveler in the request. Note: An equivalent currency may automatically be returned in @EquivalentBasePrice for the base price if the Point-of-Sale currency and the Filed Fare currency are not the same. The equivalent currency is system-generated and does not have a request modifier. Rates in Aggregated ResponsesTo simplify comparison in an aggregated display, if the rate returned is not in the travel provider's default currency, converted amounts are included in ApproximateBasePrice and ApproximateTotalPrice at the AirPricingSolution and AirPricingInfo level. ErrorsIf a conversion rate cannot be obtained for the requested currency, a warning is returned. ![]() ApolloApollo does not support FiledCurrency. Galileo
ACHSome ACH carriers support a wide variety of currencies, while others only support a few. When FiledCurrency is sent in the request, if the carrier:
If the requested currency is not supported by the carrier, a warning is returned: Currency specified for the request does not match the currency associated with the host token. The CurrencyType attribute should be used to obtain Approximate Base and Approximate Total fares in the requested currency; it displays an indicative price without changing the underlying transaction. Worldspan
Requests a fare based on the permitted booking codes or restricts fares with prohibited booking codes. Include booking code modifiers in LowFareSearchReq/AirSearchModifiers/ (for the entire journey) or LowFareSearchReq/SearchAirLeg/AirLegModifiers/ (for an air leg). Code snippet <PermittedBookingCodes> <BookingCode Code="Q"> <PermittedBookingCodes> ![]() Booking code modifiers include:
![]() Galileo and ApolloNeither Galileo nor Apollo support prohibited or permitted booking codes. If these booking codes are sent in a request to either of these providers, the codes are ignored and a warning message is returned. Worldspan
ACH and RCHNeither ACH nor RCH support PermittedBookingCodes, ProhibitedBookingCodes, or PreferredBookingCodes. If these modifiers are used, the attribute is ignored and a warning message is sent in the response. |
Requests a fare based on the cabin class (class of service). Supported cabin classes can vary by provider or supplier. Include the cabin modifiers in LowFareSearchReq/SearchAirLeg/AirLegModifiers. Code snippet <AirLegModifiers> <PreferredCabins> <CabinClass Type="Business" /> </PreferredCabins> </AirLegModifiers> ![]() Universal API supports the following cabin classes:
See Air Pricing by Cabin Class for details on pricing a specified cabin class. The cabin class modifiers are:
Cabin class data for each air pricing solution is included in AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/BookingInfo @CabinClass. Reference Data is used to determine the cabin class from the class of service and the carrier code. ![]() Galileo and Apollo
Specifies which types of fare rules (no minimum stay, no maximum stay, no advanced purchase) apply to fares in the response. Include LowFareSearchReq/AirPricingModifiers @FaresIndicator. The response indicates the fare status in LowFareSearchRsp/AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/FareInfo. Code snippet <AirPricingModifiers @ProhibitMinStayFares="true"> ![]() If @ProhibitMinStayFares="true", no minimum stay rules will apply to the fares in the response. If false, minimum stay rules may apply to fares in the response. If @ProhibitMaxStayFares="true", no maximum stay rules will apply to the fares in the response. If false, maximum stay rules may apply to fares in the response. If @ProhibitAdvancePurchaseFares="true", no advance purchase windows are required for the fares in the response. If false, advance purchase windows may apply to fares in the response. If @ProhibitRestrictedFares="true", prohibits a combination of maximum stay, minimum stay, and advance purchases fares. ProhibitRestrictedFares cannot be combined with any other fare restriction option. ![]() WorldspanWorldspan does not support maximum stay restrictions. ACHDoes not support minimum stay restrictions, maximum stay restrictions, or advance purchase (for most carriers). RCSDoes not support minimum stay restrictions, maximum stay restrictions, or advance purchase. |
Filters the response based on fare type. Both Public and Private (negotiated) Fares are available through Universal API. Include LowFareSearchReq/AirPricingModifiers @FaresIndicator. The response indicates the fare status in LowFareSearchRsp/AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/FareInfo. Code snippet <AirPricingModifiers @FaresIndicator="PrivateFaresOnly"> ![]() Depending on the data source, the following types of fares can be returned:
The enumerated values of @FaresIndicator are:
If no value is set for @FaresIndicator, the default response for the provider or supplier is returned. Account or Contract CodesIf an account/contract code is required for an airline or agency private fare, one or more codes can be added. Both the supplier's account code and the provider code must be specified. The codes apply to the entire journey, not to an individual flight segment.
Unbundled FaresIf @ProhibitUnbundledFareTypes="true", unbundled fares are not returned.
Unbundled fares that are identified by fare types ERU or EOU can be excluded from a response by setting the AirPricingModifiers ProhibitUnbundledFareTypes attribute to true. By default, this attribute has no value. Unbundled fares usually include only transportation (no amenities) and are completely non-refundable with no changes allowed. For ACH and RCH, the ProhibitUnbundledFareTypes attribute is ignored. ATPCO Unbundled Industry Fare Types for Unbundled Fares The following ATPCO Fare Type codes are used to determine if a fare should be excluded in instances where ProhibitUnbundeldFareTypes is set to true, or, @ProhibitUnbundledFareTypes="true"
Redistribute Private FaresPrivate fares can be redistributed (also known as emulation), which allows the requestor to use another travel provider's Pseudo City Code (PCC). Redistribution requires a prior agreement between the requestor and the other travel provider. Many private fares have redistribution coded in Category 15 and 35 to secure the private fare to a requestor and a provider. To redistribute a private fare, LowFareSearchReq/PointOfSale @PseudoCityCode must be populated with the three- to five-character alphanumeric Pseudo City Code (PCC) of the other travel provider. The Provider Code associated with the PCC is also required. If no PCC is supplied, the default PCC from the requestor's credentials is used. If the requestor is not provisioned to access the travel provider's PCC, the request will fail. Response
By default, both public and private fares are returned. @PrivateFare defines the type of private fare returned. Possible values are UnknownType, PrivateFare, AgencyPrivateFare, AirlinePrivateFare. If the fare is Public, @PrivateFare is not returned. @PseudoCityCode indicates the Pseudo City Code (PCC) if the fare quote is a private fare. No PCC is returned if the fare quote is a public fare. If the fare quote is a private fare with an account code, the code is returned in AccountCode/@Code. The account code input in the request is returned in the response, regardless of whether the specific fare quote requires an account code. @NegotiatedFare
![]() Galileo and Apollo
Allows agents to force segment select option in host while selecting ALL air segments to store price on a PNR. This is ignored unless ALL air segments are selected. Include LowFareSearchReq/AirPricingModifiers @ForceSegmentSelect. Default is 'false'. |
Depending on each supplier's fare policies, including loyalty program memberships, also known as frequent flyer accounts, may or may not affect the fares returned. Include LowFareSearchReq/SearchPassenger/LoyaltyCard. Loyalty information can also be included in the BookingTraveler data and imported from a profile. Code snippet <SearchPassenger> <LoyaltyCard SupplierCode="DL" CardNumber="123456" /> </SearchPassenger> ![]() ACH
Allows increases or decreases to be applied to a fare quote when the appropriate parameters are set in Shop/Price/Book requests. The fare can be increased or decreased either by percentage or flat amount. The user can increase or decrease either the base amount or total. Total amount has some restrictions. Include LowFareSearchReq/AirPricingModifiers/ManualFareAdjustment. Code snippet The following code snippet decreases the base price of a fare on a Low Fare Search response by an amount of two dollars. <AirPricingModifiers> <ManualFareAdjustment AppliedOn="Base" AdjustmentType="Amount" Value="-2" PassengerRef="1" /> <ManualFareAdjustment AppliedOn="Base" AdjustmentType="Amount" Value="-2" PassengerRef="2" /> </AirPricingModifiers> ![]()
ResponseGalileo and Apollo consider a Passenger Type Code (PTC) with a manual fare discount as “unique” PTC. For example: “ADT PTC with 5% manual discount” and “ADT PTC with 10% manual discount” are considered two different PTCs. Universal API accepts a PTC with a manual fare discount that is associated either to a specific AirPricingInfo or the first instance of AirPricingInfo in the request. However, in the response, Universal API associates the PTC/manual fare adjustment to the corresponding AirPricingInfo of the traveler to which it is associated. For Universal Record Import, the response does not return the modifiers, but does return multiple AirPricingInfo elements with the same passenger type where the differentiating factor is the total or base price. The response is similar to the Air Book Request: 10% Increase and 5% Increase in the Customer Examples section. Manual Fare Adjustments display in the following responses:
Error and Warning ResponsesA warning message displays in the response:
This ManualFareAdjustment option is not supported by the requested provider. ManualFareAdjustment is not supported by the requested provider. ![]() Galileo and ApolloDo not support @TicketDesignator and @FareType. Worldspan
ACHDoes not support Manual Fare Adjustment. |
Returns fares from two GDS cores using a single request. This element requires specific provisioning and is not in general use. Contact your Travelport support representative for information. Include LowFareSearchReq/AirPricingModifiers/MultiGDSSearchIndicator. |
Returns fares for specific passenger types using Passenger Type Codes (PTC). Specify PTC in LowFareSearchReq/SearchPassenger @Code. Code snippet <SearchPassenger xmlns="http://www.travelport.com/schema/common_v42_0" Code="ADT" /> <SearchPassenger xmlns="http://www.travelport.com/schema/common_v42_0" Code="CNN" Age="4" DOB="2014-04-1" /> <SearchPassenger xmlns="http://www.travelport.com/schema/common_v42_0" Code="INF" Age="0" DOB="2017-12-15" /> ![]() By default, air requests assume that all passengers are Adults. However, additional passenger types can be entered. Passenger types can indicate a number of circumstances, including age, companion status, organizational affiliation, and need for special assistance. A corresponding Age value may be required for certain age-related passenger types, such as Child, Infant, or Senior. Age is not required for ADT passengers. In the response, fare information for each PTC is returned in separate instances of LowFareSearchRsp/AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/PassengerType (if Air Pricing Solutions was requested) or AirPricePoint/AirPricePoint/AirPricingInfo/ (if Air Price Points was requested). See Low Fare Shopping @SolutionResults for more information. Universal API uses three-character IATA PTC values. However, suppliers may vary in their definitions of passenger types. For example, the minimum age limit of a senior-restricted fare may be set at 60 by one supplier, but set at 65 by another supplier. Universal API supports up to nine passengers in a Low Fare Shopping request with no restriction on the number of passenger types allowed in a single request. However, specific providers or suppliers may have a separate maximum limit for the number of passengers in a single request. If SearchPassenger @PricePTCOnly="true", only flight options and prices for the passenger type(s) specified in
the request are returned. If false (default), ADT fares may be returned if no fares exist for the requested PTC or if the adult fare is lower. PersonalGeography and ResidencyType elements work together. ![]() The PersonalGeography element supports submitting Country, State or Province, or City Code. One of these fields must be submitted per booking traveler. Personal geography can be used for locale-specific requirements. For example, Argentina has separate fares for residents and non-residents. To be eligible for a resident discount, passengers must provide:
Residency is required to validate the rules of some air fares such as Seaman, Government, and Military. Personal Geography data supports location-specific fares. This data is used to validate fares for some passenger types (PTCs), as well as residency data. Note: Personal geography is supported by Galileo (1G) and Apollo (1V) for Spanish Resident fares, as well as other regions, such as US-specific GST fares. If if both country and state codes need to be added, the StateProvinceCode attribute would need to be used. For example: <SearchPassenger Code="GST" PricePTCOnly="true" xmlns="http://www.travelport.com/schema/common_v49_0"> <PersonalGeography> <StateProvinceCode>USTX</StateProvinceCode> </PersonalGeography> </SearchPassenger> The entry in ResidencyType defines the value that must be entered in PersonalGeography. ResidencyType attribute defines the residency type: Employee, National, or Resident.
Note: The ResidencyType modifier for personal geography is supported by Worldspan (1P). It is not supported by any other providers at this time. Child and Infant PassengersOn most carriers, an infant is defined as a child under 24 months years of age, and a child (CHD) is defined as a passenger from age 24 months to 12 years. There are two types of infant PTCs:
In some markets, INF and INS passengers receive discounted fares, such as a 25% discount off of the Adult fare for INS passengers, and a 10% off of the Adult fare for INF passengers. In many US markets, INF fares are 0.00 and INS fares are not discounted. INF and INS fares are handled like any alternate fare PTC (e.g., SRC, MIL, GVT). Therefore, if they are combined with an ADT fare, they have separate AirPricingInfo elements in the AirPricingSolution. If the INF fare is 0.00, it still has a separate AirPricingInfo associated to the fare, even though the no fare amount is charged. An Infant in Lap passenger type can be added to an existing Travelport Universal Record (UR) using UniversalRecordModifyReq/UniversalModifyCmd/UniversalAdd/BookingTravelerInfo. The following information is required in BookingTravelerInfo:
The Universal Record is then priced and ticketed in Universal API as currently occurs. The UR History is updated to show the addition of the INF Passenger Type Code. ![]() Galileo and Apollo
WorldspanDoes not support personal geography. ACH
RCSRail suppliers determine the passenger type by the age or date of birth of the passenger. If no passenger age or date of birth is sent in the Shop request, RCS assumes the passenger is an adult.
A plating (ticketing) carrier can be specified in the request. Include LowFareSearchReq/AirPricingModifiers @PlatingCarrier. Code snippet <AirPricingModifiers @PlatingCarrier="DL"> ![]() This modifier applies to the entire journey, not individual flight segments in the request. The plating carrier is indicated in LowFareSearchRsp/AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo @PlatingCarrier. ![]() WorldspanWorldspan does not support plating carrier requests. The request is submitted without a plating carrier modifier, and the response is returned with a warning. ACHLow Cost Carriers on ACH do not support plating carrier requests. The response is returned with a warning that the supplier may not support plating carrier requests. RCSRCS does not support plating carrier requests. |
Promotional Codes (Promo Codes) offer a discount or "special promotional rate" on a product for a specific period of time for meetings and conventions. Air Canada is currently the only supplier to support Promo Codes. There are two types of Promo Codes for Air Canada:
Requests a fare based on whether the ticketed fare can be refunded if the itinerary is modified or canceled. Specific penalty limits for fares can also be defined in the request. Include LowFareSearchReq/AirPricingModifiers. The response indicates the refund status of the fare in LowFareSearchRsp/AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo @Refundable. Code snippet <AirPricingModifiers @ProhibitNonRefundableFares="true"> ![]() Refund type modifiers include:
Note: For Advanced Purchase fares and Minimum/Maximum Stay restrictions, see Low Fare Shopping with Fare Restrictions. ![]() Galileo and ApolloCannot filter penalty fares by amount using PenaltyFareInformation @ProhibitPenaltyFares. ACH
RCSDoes not support prohibiting penalty fares. |
Return Fare Attribute |
Request that branded fare optional services are included in Shop responses. Note: This feature is in Alpha-testing and you need to be provisioned to activate it. Contact your Travelport API representative to activate this feature. Include LowFareSearchReq/AirPricingModifiers @ReturnFareAttributes. Code snippet <AirPricingModifiers ReturnFareAttributes="true"> ![]() If AirPricingModifiers @ReturnFareAttributes="true", the response returns a list of any optional services that are part of a branded fare. The element FareAttributes returns a list of all associated fare attributes and charge indicators in a comma-separated list. For example, Checked Bag, Carry On, Rebooking, Refund, Seats, Meals, and WiFi. When ReturnFareAttributes="true" in the request, the response contains FareInfoList/FareInfo/FareAttributes, which returns a list of all associated fare attributes and charge indicators in a comma-separated list. Fare attributes include:
Chargeable indicators include:
See Branded Fares for more information. Notes:
The following warning messages may be returned:
Sell City is the City Code identifying where the ticket is to be sold. Ticketing City is the City Code identifying where the ticket will be issued. LowFareSearchReq/AirPricingModifiers @SellCity and @TicketingCity Both Sell City and Ticketing City can be use seperately. However, with Universal API Release 20.3.2, an enhancement was added that provides the ability to identify and sell city/ticketing city at time of Shop, Price, Book and UR Modify. This helps to identify cross-boarder sales (e.g. price in PAR ticket in NYC) so that fares are accurate throughout a workflow (e.g. shop, price, book, UR Modify). Code snippet <AirPricingInfo> <air:AirPricingModifiers TicketingCity="PAR" SellCity="NYC"/> </AirPricingInfo> This cross-boarder sale functionality with SellCity and TicketingCity is only supported for Galileo (1G). If sent via Apollo (1V), Worldspan (1P), or Airline Content Hub (ACH), the warning message returns, “SellCity and TicketingCity modifier(s) not supported by this provider and have been ignored.” |
Removes tax amounts from the response. Include LowFareSearchReq/AirPricingModifiers/ExemptTaxes. Code snippet <AirPricingModifiers> <ExemptTaxes AllTaxes="true" /> </AirPricingModifiers> ![]() One or more instances of ExemptTaxes can be added to the request. All or some of the taxes associated with an itinerary can be excluded from the response:
The response excludes the specified tax(es). In LowFareShopRsp/AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo, the TaxInfo elements for each tax-exempt category have an Amount attribute of '0.00' and a TaxExempted attribute set to 'True'. Not all providers or suppliers support the Tax Exempt modifier. A warning is returned if the provider/supplier does not support tax exemptions. ![]() WorldspanWorldspan does not support specific tax exemptions. If CountryCode and TaxCategory are sent in the request, a warning is returned in the responsse that the modifier is not supported. Worldspan technically allows exempting all taxes. However, if ExemptTaxes/AllTaxes is "True", in reality, only a few type of taxes will be exempted, and tax information is NOT returned for the exempted taxes. Two response messages may be returned:
ACHACH carriers may not return tax details in a Low Fare Shopping response, or may include the taxes in the base fare. A subsequent Air Pricing request may be needed to return a breakdown of the tax details. RCSRCS suppliers return total fares with no breakdown of the base fare, taxes, and total. Therefore, tax exemptions do not apply to RCS requests. |
Allows either Paper or Electronic Ticket types to be indicated in a request or response. Include LowFareSearchReq/AirPricingModifiers @Eticketability. Code snippet <AirPricingModifiers @Eticketability="Required"> ![]() Ticketing preferences can be applied to the entire journey. One of the following values is expected:
Ticketless carriers are airlines that do not settle with travel agencies outside of the Airline Reporting Corporation (ARC) or the Bank Settlement Plan (BSP). These airlines work in an environment without paper or electronic tickets. Airlines who settle with agencies outside of ARC or BSP require payment to confirm the booking. Airlines have various options for obtaining payment outside of BSP/ARC. Ticketless payment refers to the process in which the agent sends the airline credit card payment via a remark or SSR, instead of as the structured form of payment used by ticketed carriers. In the response, ticketability is specified in the following locations:
For each Air Pricing Solution, the values are:
![]() ACHACH does not support e-ticketing modifiers. Low Cost Carriers on ACH do not supported paper tickets. All reservations on LCCs use either E-tickets or ticketless booking. RCSRCS does not support e-ticketing modifiers. |
Pricing modifiers are also available at the segment level. See Air Segment Pricing Modifiers for details.